Moaning ones are bad but what about the pissed ones, at the now sadly departed Marrs bar i had a blonde lady kept staggering on to the stage asking "got any Bob Marley hic" still have nightmares as she nearly fell on the decks
c/u as Robert L Martin i bought the second copy to turn up of Tim Ashibendi in 1989 for £200. Tim Brown turned up a hand full mid 1990's . Whilst im pleased it now goes for £2400 on Manships i think that was about 1200 more than was expected. I still play it but i feel sorry for the dancers cause they look knackered after
Just been speaking to John Weston who the last few posts apply to, he is off line for another few days waiting for a new pc . he says it was a request and it had hardly any effect on the number of dancers so b******
Hi Mark
when i had it i did a few tapes for people and i think Outasite (Carl and Gary) and i seem to remember when a few of the slower ones turned up people were really pissed cause it was different from the one they had heard on the tape when they got them. no idea what its worth i apid 300 and sold it for 400 years ago
There are 2 cuts of this i had the faster version which was passed around during the 80's (at the time it was the only known copy) then a few more were found with a slower cut with his voice more to the front not such a good version IMO. think the faster one is rarer. I cant remember any metion of Cp on either label and the differences between the 2 were very slight.