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Everything posted by Daveyboy66

  1. Free postage ALL titles over £75 First class signed for £3.40 combined postage available Payment Paypal Friends and Family dhill66@talk21.com I'M YOUR LOVE MAN - THE LOST SOULS VG++ small x on A side £ 50 SOLD I CAN'T SEE YOUR LOVE - THE BALLADS VG + £220 ono SOLD SANDA RICHARDSON - AFTER YOU GAVE YOUR ALL / THE HYTONES - RUNAWAY GIRL VG++ KENT 37TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL £50 SOLD
  2. Hi, I've just booked into the hotel through your link but cant seem to upload the entertainment pass Dave
  3. Wow...can't wait...brilliant book by Stu Cosgrave
  4. last hour in the Hallam Suite was a real eclectic mix...I remember Doris Duke - Congratulations Baby being played
  5. SKF were the only initials I was bothered with
  6. William Bell - Never Like This Before..always loved it
  7. Agree with everyone...it's a must purchase if only for my two fav Millie tracks..Loving Arms and From Her Arms to Mine
  8. Cheers mate looks a lot better Dave Hill
  9. i use this which copies from you tube...loads on to your music and goes into your ITunes... "C:Program Files (x86)FreeYouTubeToMP3TURBOConverterYouTubeToMP3.exe"
  10. Absolutely...and whats more it was my 3 year old daughters favourite record so I probably heard it more than most people as she would get it out of my box for me to play as she recognised the label...lol
  11. The Tower Of Power were on off Strip the last time me and the wife were in Vegas...great show
  12. reminded me of the awards show where Curtis Mayfield and Teddy prendergast were presented with lifetime awards both of them in wheelchairs...I had to switch off as it was so upsetting and my grandaughter was asking me why i was in tears
  13. Spot on Carmen and Spike...but to be honest i think we've always carried the Wheel with us no matter where we have been...like they say..... it's not just a soul club it's a way of life....looking forward to NQ live for the next re-incarnation Dave Hill
  14. Just had an enquiry from Mopsy and the Sheffield crew..hope you are doing okay Dave Dave Hill
  15. I think you may be generalising too much Robb. The majority of the guys I hung around with might have wanted to get off their tits and dance to stompers whilst at nighters...after all it was the Wheel, Torch, Casino era etc but that only gave us a thirst to explore all black music including blues, do wop, funk etc. I had this conversation about this recently about us old fogies hating everything that wasn't northern soul and had to remind him that we WERE listening to to likes of Sam Dees, Doris Duke, Benny Latimore and people like Junior Wells and Buddy Guy as anyone who travelled back from various venues with us in the 70s will tell you. Modern Soul was what we listened to at home. Just because we preferred the old stompers at nighters didn't mean that we could be pigeonholed that easily...it was and is just a small part of our education...and its still going on. Dave Cue someone asking me about having to listen to Quadrophenia and Hendrix when coming back with Ray Hudson from any venue...lol
  16. but surely us coffin dodgers would have started with 60s soul and encompassed and listened to all the other categories...it's all black music innit! Dave Hill
  17. Isn't that the point though..how many people have you seen trying to cram as many " special moves " into a record rather than actually dancing to the record? How many people don't understand where the breaks are in Don Covey's "Seesaw" for example?
  18. what about this slow tempo number...get the de-fib machine ready
  19. Palais... top left me...Crossy, Steve Parker, Bill Ward Jane and Fiona Wallace, Alan Todd
  20. This is from the brit 77'ish...top left me... also Steve Parker, Crossy, Dave Evison, Anita Rouse (rip) Jane Wallace
  21. I spent some good times at the Brit and the Palais..have a couple of photos somewhere...I'll try and dig them up
  22. There can't be a better invitation to get in and get on the dancefloor than to be stood outside as the Pier is jumping beneath your feet...great memory
  23. There Was A Time - Gene Chandler Sweeter Than The Day Before - Valentinos Thats The way Love Is - Isley Bros Love You baby - Eddie Parker still sound as exciting today as they did when I first heard them...mind you, better have the defib machine on standby...lol
  24. Dave lived round the corner from me when he was manager of the Anvil film cinema here in Sheffield and I used to go and havea coffee with him from time to time...I remember him saying to me that it was good that i had been on the scene at the time I did 1970 - 1985 ( at that time ) because there would be no soul scene in avery short time with the advent of digital music...I don't think either of us could have envisaged just what the scene has become today with gigs and venue encompassing the length and breadth of the UK and Europe

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