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Stuart Bower

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Stuart Bower last won the day on February 5 2011

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About Stuart Bower

  • Birthday 13/04/1960

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  • Top Soul Sound
    Billy Butler-Right Track-Okeh

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    Aspiring rare soul DJ/promoter, movie buff and footie fan!

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  1. Hi again everyone. Hope you are all well. Sorry to have to report the sad passing of our good friend, collector and DJ from Reading, Philadelphia ANDREW TURNER. Loved by everyone he met. Came over here and stayed with us frequently. He was a massive fan of the scene over here, especially the Prestatyn Weekenders. Was even the witness at our wedding! Will be sorely missed. Goodbye Andy. Thanks for the memories PS Thinking of putting on a tribute night for him over at The Oxcroft for anyone who’s interested in coming.
  2. If this is true then we're gutted. Big friends of Joe and Becky in the scene for 25 years plus. First met at the Travellers Rest Rotherham many many moons ago. Regulars at most niters I used to attend including in the R N B scene. Heard he was in hospital (not sure why) but was expected to be well again and discharged. Will be phoning around trying to get more info.
  3. Mark Mahony. A respected friend to a lot of us in the scene. Never seemed to have a cross word with anyone. Went to college with our Daniel and they became great friends. Will now be reunited with Anita. God bless Mona.RIP
  4. Used to buy from Richard years ago and last got into contact with him last year. Never had any problem with him. Just tried to get on to his website and it looks to have gone from the web.
  5. Just been let down so..2 passes if anyone wants 'em. £50 for the pair. PM me. Or text or phone me on 07846380918, email me: thesoulintention@hotmail.com. See you Friday..
  6. Started in the 70's. Due to unforeseen circumstances it ended and started again in the mid 80's! The feeling never really left though. Regretted leaving but more than made up for it later. You never realise what you had 'til it's gone..."Something Keeps Calling Me Back!"
  7. Getting more and more in at this fine venue out in the country. Laid back music policy, laid back club run by friendly laid back people. Free admission. Great for dancing your sunday lunch off! 3pm while 9pm.

    © Stuart Bower

  8. Standing At A Standstill. Is this the same Holmes? Carl?
  9. Quite promising but ultimately disappointing. Just kept it on in the background as it were as I was otherwise occupied with something else. Didn't deserve my full attention.
  10. Doesn't surprise me one bit. There are some real fanatics in this scene who think a rare 45-even if unplayable-is worth owning! I remember one time I made a copy (which I thought was unplayable) of Jack Montgomery-Don't Turn Your Back On Me-Barracuda into a wallclock. Had some company round. Someone saw it (Keith from Eccles I think) and offered me £200 in cash and trades for it. I thought he was a bit mad at the time but if he wanted it why not?
  11. Here's the article you were talking about Graham. Hilarious. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2207490/Bettye-LaVette-book-A-Woman-Like-Me-reveals-sex-violence-1960s-Motown.html
  12. And for years many people have automatically assumed i've been to certain places that I can't remember going to.They even claim they saw me there and that's where they first met me. I just go along with it and smile...
  13. Well, this sort of thing has been going on for years in the scene. Bullshit. Some people feel the need to be respected and to impress, To be thought of as the 'big men/women on the scene'. Amazingly been everywhere, Had every big record and (amazingly) sold them, Probably been in the scene for some time as just another face in the crowd but feel the need to finally have at least SOME recogition for the time they've put in? Or were they around at the time but wish they HAD been there? Who knows?

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