I visited John several times, mostly in the 80s. First time was at Rosewood ave, I’d rung several time before making contact and he reluctantly agreed to let me come over. I was a little taken aback by his appearance and the state of his house but just got on digging, John had a large woolen blanket round him despite the sweltering heat, he got up several times to make coffee but never offered me a cup.
I remember him saying I wasn’t as fast as John Anderson (who was!) I did find a few things but nothing earth shattering and was preparing to settle up when he said “look at those piles on the mantle piece, they are stuff for Europe but payment has been longer than a month” needless to say these piles were great and I bought a lot from them, 21st Century, Minnie Jones, George Smith etc etc, I bet a few collectors were pissed off getting their payments refunded!
On that visit he showed me the stampers for (I think) What’s going on, it was definitely a Marvin Gaye album and several other bits of Motown memorabilia, and I seem to remember he had worked with Phil Spector and the Motorcycle Johnny came from him doing the sound effects on some record (don’t think it was Leader of the pack but similar).
I next met him at the Pasadena swop meet but he was just packing up as he’d sold most of his stuff, he told me he was going to look at some records belonging to one of the Entertainers 4 and I was welcome to tag along, he said it’s about 40 miles away but he has lots of vinyl. The problem was I’d left my wife sunbathing at the hotel (prior to cell phones) so declined the offer. I often wonder how that would have panned out!
I visited him a couple of times in Merced and whilst he had lots of stock it was well picked over and found very little, he did have thousands of Buddah 45s I remember but the black text on the purple background made them difficult to read in poor light so gave up after a few dozen but should have stuck with it.
I believe he was involved with Native American issues and had a long platted pigtail at this time and also the bridge of his glasses was sellotaped to hold them together!
John had a rather distinctive high pitched voice and whenever I talk with other people who met him we seem to always say “good soul rekid “ in his distinctive style, a phrase he would use a lot.
Both Ian Clarke and Gavin Page have great stories about John, he certainly was one of a kind. RIP