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Kev John

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Everything posted by Kev John

  1. Gene Go to post 23 Pete S click the bottom http Blue line & there's another thread about this topic all is explained atb Kev
  2. Billy I'll be there m8 in spirit if you know what i mean "Soulghost" Let us Know how it went down m8 atb Kev
  3. If people read Billywhizzie's 1st post He is playing in a FREESTYLE room so i would think that would be a good starting point for him to help reactivate this Wigan Oldies Toooooon as people in these sort of rooms are more open minded IMHO ATB Kev
  4. Mecca Classic 1 of my fav's too play it if you really want too i'ts more main room now dig out some left field stuff out imo or underplayed stuff aswell atb Kev
  5. BTW he likes it too The orig is hard to get atb Kev
  6. Good Lad you're the DJ atb Kev
  7. Was a MONSTER @ Wigan Classed as Garage Punk as PeteS informed me atb Kev
  8. That's the way to go Tezza IMHO atb Kev
  9. PLAY IT BILLY TRUST YOURSELF :thumbup: I Play it m8 atb KEV
  10. Sorry Byrney i'm a dope liked your quote anyway atb Kev
  11. Barry did the world end in the 8ts & 9ts ? Kev
  12. Don't forget Billy Sha Rae's version of this imo is just as good & a lot cheaper LOL atb Kev
  13. No i mean't use it pure just put fluid on the area what's got residue on let it soak in and wipe of the record if the fluid gets on label don't panic it will dry out with no staining on the label ok hope this helps you Steephill atb Kev
  14. I'm very,very interesting to Peter !!!!!!!! atb Kev
  15. Hi joe Heard these being played out a few years back and i think there are quite few that skip & jump most prob pressing faults with them imho atb Kev
  16. the 2 11 marks after the 11440 tell me it's the second press from 7ts also the Karen Logo is to small it's larger on the orig & the blue colour of the label is wrong to dark
  17. Matrix for the original reads K - 11440 - 1 ecthed in then a V stamped in then LW & AT & W etched in Karen logo @ 12 o'clock read matrix from 6 o'clock position L 2 R finishes with the W mark @ 9 o'clock position The Karen Logo is larger on the Original , looks small on your'e scan Hope this helps you atb Kev
  18. Another tip for this year from me is The Impressions- Love Me 1971 US Curtom 1959 also came out in Uk to on Buddah Fantastic Funky Soul Dancer sounds Awesome loud & a Funk Flip too it's on you tube !!!!! atb Kev
  19. Hi Brooky All the above cats for me atb Kev

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