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Kev John

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Posts posted by Kev John

  1. Not posted on this thread before !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :huh: so here goes

    My crate diggin finds for today are


    NAIF Group-Love's No Game-STAFF Records 1969 Garage/Mod Dancer 1969

    The Pretenders- I Wanna Be (your everything)forgotten TORCH tune B/W Sweet Potato Gravy Funk edged instrumental-Carnival 548-1970

    Bloodstone-That's Not How It Goes-London DJ 1974

    Jimmy Walker-The Greatest Love/Dawn(go away)-Columbia great D Header 1969


    All US Copies picked up for 15 quid  :wicked:


    atb Kev  :hatsoff2:

    • Helpful 1
  2. As i've jst put this on Refosoul,I thought i'd put it up on here  too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Bobby Powell-Peace Begins Within-US Whit 1972 also got released in UK on MOJO


    Could you post 4 me ta  :thumbsup:


    Cheers Kev  :hatsoff2:

  3. right kev, see there's the thought.....would everyone agree...perhaps events playlists and refosoul should merge?,...so then all those unknown ( well, to me anyway ) tunes could be heard as well....or is that just too time consuming?......YES, I KNOW THERE'S YOUTUBE BUT YOU DON'T GET EVERYTHING ON THERE, DO YOU?...IT'S NOT FLAWLESS.... :g:

    Totally agree with you on everything you say agentsmith

    but even the 1s not on YT will turn up on YT eventually would'nt they ?

    Yes i think the unkowns should be heard so yes it would be nice to have Refo & Event Playlists together !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    & yes it would be more time consuming but SS would be better for it if DJ's gave a bit more time & effort to listing

    playlist ,I for would relish the merger but that is only my point of view 


    the way i've put tunes on Refo is that i can post up the Records i own & love playing & put over the tastes i have

    in my play boxes & i don't after ask for other members to post up for me now 


      Refosoul came to my aid   :thumbsup:

  4. COME ON PEOPLE,......WHAT'S GOING ON??.....i'm viewing the playlists all the time and for some inconceivable reason they've dried up........HAVE YOU ALL OF A SUDDEN DEVELOPED INFERIORITY COMPLEXES ABOUT WHATS IN YOUR BOXES??.....COME ON,....FRESHEN UP THE SOURCE!!



    Go to Refosoul for mine at least you can hear them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :D


    Well most of them   :huh:


    atb Kev  :hatsoff2:

  5. does anyone have any info on this please?


    I have it on a cd but nothing more than the artist and title


    all the best


    Hi andy 

    just had a look on google go to page 3 and hit  Little Ann's Lost and Found extra info there 

    I think Timmion got hold of Her DaDa recording which never got released ?


    atb Kev  :hatsoff2:

  6. Morning folks,

                          Could anybody tell me whether this was originally issued on vinyl as well as styrene please?


    Many thanks in advance





    Hi Stew


    Originals of this are Styrene with a Matt finished Blue  label 


    atb Kev  :hatsoff2:

  7. A one-stop shop would quite easily have warehouse stock of demos to sell cheap or in bulk, bought any time after the record was released.


    A note on the pressing details of this record. Warner Brothers at the time had their releases largely pressed at Columbia factories. The various numbers quoted here, from 1A up to 1E refer to different lacquers. When the record was mastered a number of lacquers were cut and sent to the various plants. Each plant would have received a different lacquer with a unique code, so  the A and B numbers do not refer to whether the respective side was the plug side or the flip, just to which plant it was to be pressed at. If a lacquer had to be replaced (either for a fault or for stamper wear) it would then become 2A, [or 2B etc.] then 3A etc. 


    The typesetting for this release was done at Columbia Santa Monica in California, which did the typesetting for Warners Reprise and then sent artwork/films to the other plants. The Columbia plants (Pittman New Jersey, Terra Haute Indiana and Santa Monica California) pressed both styrene and vinyl and it was quite common for the promo to be on vinyl and the issue to be cheaper styrene as is the case with the Bobby Sheen record.


    Columbia didn't use the brown, see through plastic which the bootlegs are supposedly made of in 1972. This material is not generally seen until the mid to late 80s, when the number of vinyl pressing plants in the US had decreased from dozens to just a handful of functioning factories and this became the default material for many vinyl 45s. 


    If anyone has a bootleg of this it would be really helpful if they could photograph the dead wax and post it up here. I'd be interested to see if these have the stamped matrix which a genuine Columbia-pressed record should have, or whether it's scratched in.

    Hi Garethx


    I've got 1 of the black Vinyl 1s but when you face it to the light you can see throught it


    There are no stamped in matrix marks in the deadwax it is all etched in 


    sorry i can't post up scans of run out marks 


    I've got a original Linda Jones IJCLML on WB  Vinyl issue no stamps in run out either


    atb Kev  :hatsoff2:

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