Did a trade at the weekend for the storming old Stafford spin
Rosa Lee Brooks - The Utee - Revis
This features a young "Jimmy Hendrix" on Guitar, and a copy (claimed to be very rare) is on show in the "Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame" in Cleveland, Ohio. It worked out about £200 in trades for the disc, which I thought was about on the button, give or take £50 either way (hey but what the F*** do I know) Anyhow when I got home, out of curiosity I consulted the guides.
Although I knew of discrepancies between the books, I'd never seen one in there to this degree, or are there more at this level (I'd like to know of them), and frankly was a little stunned. Is the Manship price outrageous, is it a typo in Tim Brown's (I certainly have never seen this for £30, or I'd have F****ng bought it)Have I unwittingly just chanced upon the worst example of price variation between the Two books.