I read all the comments and still don't quite get it. If you're a collector and want this for your collection and have the cash, fine, it's your money, and in my mind it's better than p*ssing it up against a wall. I just don't get the "top D.J." bit, this aint a slur on JM either, coz the auction doesn't just contain this months must have 45's, but also some really interesting, underplayed discs. Elements of this thread sums up a view I have had about a large part of the upper echelons of this "scene" for a few Years i.e. "played out, expensive bits of plastic, played by D.J.'s with very little imagination".If these inspirational D.J.'s are so keen to be up there, start "crate digging", making more of an effort to find something fresh to bring to the party, and then having the balls to play them. It's difficult to find respect for people with more credit cards than brains, that have to be spoon fed "top tunes" to play to us, the paying punter - stop dumming down Northern Soul.
Des Parker