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Md Records

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Everything posted by Md Records

  1. I think it's a great Northern Soul record, like a lot of things, sounds better played loud, but only my opinion. My copy came from a good friend of mine from Pittsburgh, who found it locally, amongst a pile of records (including the Ringleaders on M Pac) back in March. Des
  2. I suppose it depends on how cynical you are.... I mean look at the range of labels, artists, it's HUGE, and a LOT of work for somebody to do legally. There again, If I was running this label, and couldn't give a sh*t about things like "licensing" I think I could come up with a much easier way of putting out a huge & varied catalogue of sounds out, that doesn't incur too many costs Des
  3. I've got the album, which has a few other standout tracks on, and for some reason, had wrongly assumed it was an album only tune. Des
  4. I've got the album, which has a few other standout tracks on, and for some reason, had wrongly assumed it was an album only tune. Des
  5. Great tune!! Is this on a 45, Paul? Des Parker
  6. I had the Kitty Love record at one stage, I remember it being a cover of the Amanda Humphry tune on "U.S.A." Des Parker
  7. Ironically Janeen Henry is Andrea Henry, who originally did the Janice track! Des Parker
  8. I think it was covered up as "Sequins- You can't Get Away" if I remember rightly - absolutely storming Northern. Des Parker
  9. Persionettes - Philadelphia group, A Ben-Lee production, also had a great unreleased Swan recording "Run, Run" . Persionettes did back Timmie Carr as Timmie & Persionettes (another Ben-Lee production) Timmie Carr was also Timmie, from Timmie & Empires (another Ben-Lee production), who's product was allegedly released on Blue rock records. Des Parker
  10. I remember at least one person buying "I Don't know About You" by mistake in the 1980's, and being well p*ss*d off. I wonder how many copies got smashed up by irate buyers, back then. I also remember someone buying George Kirby instead of Frankie & Classicals, and throwing it on the tracks at New Street Station in disgust, on being told that it wasn't our "Frankie" but some "slow Sh*t" - no vestax back then! Des Parker
  11. The trouble is "Clifford Binns" on "Theoda" is something you really want to be brilliant, but doesn't quite cut it - shame! Des Parker
  12. I must admit, it's not Clifford's finest moment on vinyl!! Des parker
  13. I played it out a few times at Albrighton, Black horse & a few other places, a few Years ago. It's a reasonable Detroit dance tune, but not unknown amongst collectors. Des Parker
  14. Ironically the first copies I brought back from the U.S. were from a record store in Minneapolis - "Hymie's" I think it was called? Des Parker
  15. As I keep saying, the potential for this is ground breaking , do you envisage it superceding the price guides, with all that information available on line, with the bonus of you being able to make adjustments at the click of a button. I'll certainly be willing to sign up Des Parker
  16. Fully agree, if it's a straightforward sales site, you'd want as many people as possible to freely access it, but I was under the impression that there's another part to John's site that is only accessable by subscription, now whether that's going to be "worth" £60 a Year is another matter, we shall see, but I'm prepared to give it a go, it might stop me bidding £500 for "Shirley Lawson" - only joking. Des Parker
  17. I found one of these in the U.S. last year and was equally surprised. Put it in the box for a £100 and everyone thought I was F*cking insane. I lost count of the number of people I had to point out the "NOT FOR SALE" bit to, and even then, they wouldn't have it that it was a rarer piece. Des Parker
  18. I think the work that's gone into this is phenomonal, I buy the majority of my vinyl in the U.S. , so I don't consequently buy much off the website, but do understand that it's taking the P*ss to expect this sort of resource for nothing. As a ballpark figure, what do you expect the Monthly fee to be. Des Parker
  19. played by Keb at Stafford, as "Little Ritchie - Thank You Baby", but never really had it's day - top tune! Des Parker
  20. P.M.'d You Des
  21. Got a ticket from Chrissie on Saturday, so looking forward to a cracking night at Groovesville. Des
  22. Sorted thanks Des Parker
  23. The instrumental of "Richard Anthony" sounded good at Solid Hit Soul, didn't it Dave! Des Parker
  24. Prior to the "Book" there was a quite an extensive "priced" wants list doing the rounds amongst a lot of American dealers, from a U.K. dealer. I'd be interested in how many copies of the Book, in it's various incarnations have been sold in the U.S. , it seems to be EVERYWHERE!! I'm philosophical about it, and certainly don't see JM as some sort of Pariah, if it wasn't John, someone else would have quickly cornered that market, so good luck to him, it just irritates me that people don't know how to use it - £100 in the book, top price for a Mint Copy of something DOES NOT EQUAL $300 for a trashed piece of Sh*t with no label!! Des Parker
  25. I've mentioned this before, and although not a complaint, it's a real WTF moment! A guy came up to me, whilst D.J.'ing with a list of about 6 English Tamla Motown numbers (No Titles), you know the TMG 5... etc etc, and probably tough ones, anyhow he asks me to ask out over the Decks if anyone's got these records - I asked him if he was after them (in an attempt to point him in a more suitable direction, as far as servicing your wants, as I had NO intention of reading them out) He then says " I've got them all, I just wanted to see if anyone else in the room had them!" Des Parker

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