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Dave N

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Everything posted by Dave N

  1. Hi looking for M- copy of Temptations Get Ready TMG557 in M- condition. Many Thanks Daven
  2. Hi If sale falls through I would be interested. Many thanks Dave
  3. Hi Yes but don't have lots, will buy them at the right price when they come up for sale, have been known to purchase a record just to have the sleeve with it.
  4. Hi Looking for a copy of Temptations Get ready on TMG557 in M- or better, do not want in any other format or condition thanks Daven
  5. Hi Martin I have got the TMG 1375 Mad in the Middle 7" (£4.00) and DJ (£5) from Manship's UK price guide, as far as I am aware John does not get a lot wrong, I He puts if it is unreleased in his guides and this entry has nothing to say so. Like you I was thinking maybe it may not exist as I have been unable to source it. Maybe someone on here must have a copy if it exists or know if it was ever released on a UK 7". Thanks for the reply. Daven
  6. .Hi Looking for Thomas McClary Man in the middle on UK TMG 1375 only if anyone has a copy for sale, if you do price and condition please. Many Thanks Daven
  7. Hi Can anyone give me some idea of price for Coyote Sisters I've got a radio on TMG 1362. Daven
  8. Thanks John, about what I was thinking price wise, none for sale that I can see but at least I have some idea now. Daven
  9. Hi Looking for a copy of Temptations Get ready on TMG 557, need an idea of price for a M- copy if one comes up please. Many thanks Daven
  10. Hi Dave I think I was thinking it might have been a typo but was not sure if you had both numbers on the same record, any of the Tamla Motown records TMG501 to TMG702 has the sold in UK is as far as I am aware is the original first press, starting at TMG703 this was no longer added to the label, as I say think my info is all correct and was glad to be of help. Daven
  11. Hi TMG678 is the fantastic Four I Love you Madly, TMG676 is Chained/ At last( I found a Love) and should have the text Sold in the UK subject to resale price conditions in the middle of the label for the original, I think it also has a release with no text, I think this is a re-issue /2nd issue and issued by Tamla Motown so would think its not classed as a boot, sure if I have any information wrong somebody on here will correct this. Hope this helps Daven
  12. Hi Thanks for the info, it would seem that the CD is hard to come by as I could only find the vinyl (I will have another look now), I played this at an event and I like to put my sets on cd so I can refer when I play the venue again, I find it difficult with certain tracks to locate them with so many CDS around, does anyone know if a list of CD track listing is/has been documented or do I have to continue looking for the records by trawling the CDS? Many thanks for help so far. Daven
  13. Hi Has Gloria Jones Gone with the wind been released on a CD and if so has anyone any info please. Many thanks Daven
  14. Hi Thanks for the info, I will try them and see if they have got them, Regards Daven
  15. Hi Looking to replace my cartridge , can anyone recommend the best place to purchase, the deck is a JVC. Thanks Daven
  16. Just another top tune written by Mr Bristol And heard that he does backing vocals on this, knowing the knowledge people have on hear this will be confirmed or not? Daven
  17. Hi The B side plays Love Power, I paid £20 for a small batch of records at a record shop so around £2. Just need to know so I can play it or not when I DJ, looks to me that it is a boot from opinion above and as such I will file under boot, so still looking for an original to DJ with. At least I now know how to put photo's on here, took me ages and a few tries before I got it right and a bit more info on the record, this will help loads. Many thanks Daven
  18. Hi Hope the pictures are now attached and are ok.
  19. Hi Reason I asked is I have a copy and the label has a lip suggesting Styrene and a Karma label, If I am correct the vinyl should be moulded in and thus would make the copy I have a boot as it should be vinyl. Like you I did not know it had been reissued/booted. I was hoping to clear this up but seem to be more confused than I was before. At least I know now that I can't DJ with it. (unless anyone else can confirm Legit/Boot). Many thanks for information. Daven
  20. Hi Have looked Stemmons Express Woman love Thief up in Manship guide and it states this has had two releases, local on Karma and on a major label Wand, it also mentions the Demand label version as well . Hope someone can answer the following? Has it been booted or reissued on Karma. Are they pressed on vinyl, Styrene or both. Many thanks Daven
  21. Hi thanks for the information regarding the sleeves. Yes KC Jr there are some nice sleeves and at present I am looking to sleeve all my records in the birth sleeves, its a bigger task than I thought but the ones I have or have sourced look really good. I do have the link above and lots of great information here on sleeves and label date changes, great help in my search, the labels listed above as far as I can see have no sleeve details but RobbK's information on Dover Records is in the link and further research Dover has four labels, I searched Dover Records on Google and it is closer to twenty labels under the Dover group. This is just the labels that start with A, working on B as we speak. Thanks once again for the help, sure I will have information missing on B labels. Daven
  22. Hi Thanks for your help Robbk, Once again shows the knowledge members have on here and makes me realise how very little I know. I can now try to source these sleeves for my records. Daven
  23. Hi Looking for information on the following company records sleeves. Ad Libs New York in the dark on AGP, this record does not appear in the AGP Discography I have found on the internet, on release did it have a company sleeve and if so can anyone help with some idea what it looks like? Are all the AGP records from the same company or are is there two labels with the same name? The other labels I can't seem to find sleeves for are Action (UK), AFO, Alaska (UK), Alithia, Alon, Argo, Artic, Atomic Arts and Audio Arts. Can anyone help with information on the above. Many thanks in advance. Daven
  24. Many thanks for the help everybody. Daven
  25. Hi Looking for following tracks but not having much luck in sourcing on compilation cds. Jeff Perry Love don't come no stronger and Dean Parrish Bricks, broken bottles and sticks. Thanks in advance Daven

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