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Everything posted by Petesi

  1. At least I ain`t condoning the playing of CD`s LoL But if all records disappeared would there still be a Scene Oh gosh I think there would and it would be an all cd/mp3 affair ...God help us. Enough devilment for one day Please Lord let the collectors collect and the DJ`s just concentrate on playing the records .. Amen
  2. Whilst I can appreciate comments from the ovo collectors etc who want to keep the scene pure, be it for personal reasons such as protecting their well paid for collections or because they actually believe that ovo is the all and be all of northern soul and any club allowing copies or boots etc to be played should be banned burned and wiped from the planet, back in the early and mid seventies nobody other than a few top dj/collectors really knew or cared whether we bought an original or a copy.... it was all about the music. I bought many a record at Wigan and the all dayers around the country and as it turns out some are original and some are just re-issues or second issues on another label but I ain`t gonna throw em away just because of that. To be frank about it a great many if not most fans of this scene don't care if its original or not I/we only care that's its a great sound played from a record that brings back the memories from a great era and keeps the new guys and girls coming to the scene and, if it wasn't for the internet most like me would still be in the dark over the situation. So I say to the clubs "just let the DJ`s play the records and the dancers dance " We ain`t gonna be label spotting as we are usually to busy dancing and enjoying it to care if its on ...Awake 501/2 ,Ashford, Grapevine or a complete blank white label! If it plays well that's all that matters AND at least it ain`t Jimmy Sha Rays pathetic effort Merry Xmas
  3. Ah, THE MONTHLY FRIDAYS OLDIES NIGHTS AT WIGAN , I`m glad somebody else remembers them. simply different class to the regular Saturday stuff
  4. Went to plenty of clubs 1972-79 including Wigan Unless you were actually there then I suspect most peoples view of the scene from that era comes from footage of the casino on filming nights around the mid 70`s and mostly concentrated on the more athletic male stuff though from my own memories there were plenty of girls dancing every time I went. around a 60/40 mix male to female would be more accurate. Also depending on the record being played on some occasions if you looked around it would look like more girls on the dance floor. St Ives, and Newcatle under Lyme tiffs all dayers and the like had a similar mix around 60/40 so plenty of girls all over the scene back then. Today the mix I guess would again be close to 60/40 males to female at most of the events I go to .
  5. FIVE of my top ten r in one set ..Awesome
  6. Will do and... all the best on your quest to keep it fresh. And as a twist to this tale generally two of my fav and best dance sets at the Kings H are played by Andy Dyson and Mick Heffernan so I guess quality and class is just that, no matter how you wrap and title it
  7. Ah Bombers and purple hearts ! Not for me thanks ,I`ll pass on them and the new sounds to catch up on I`ll just work hard at keeping fit And....... buy a car instead of nicking it to get home in . How its all changed. LoL
  8. If Joining the scene in 1971 and leaving to do other stuff in 1979 classes me as one of the "Divs" so be it , a Div I am, never thought of it like that but again it would seem to depend on what era you first get the bug and again when you return and what you expect it to be like 33 years on . Enjoy your rare and underplayed scene
  9. Very true and again a valid point , I do see the big picture but I think it possibly isn`t my take on the art. The scene has changed and moved on /developed and perhaps that's a good thing. I would think that anyone attending or playing at a do every weekend may get bored of the same classics week after week but us once a month punters just love em and there in lies the problem for most
  10. Varied opinions and all valid , so I guess it all depends on the era you come from ....As for me (71 t 79 Torch , Wigan and the likes) I`m with you Baby boy Northern soul is 100 mph and hard hitting no southern slop, Latino, Rumba etc . Yes that may have its place along with the oh so slow Rnb stuff and okay to listen to for a breather between the belters but , it aint Northern and never will be
  11. Is it me? or do the southerners have a different take on northern soul? I travel around quite a bit but apart from Crossfire, Stewartby, and The St Ives reunion etc , a lot of the clubs south of Watford seem to have a different take on Northern Soul. For me The Kings hall, Grosvenor rooms and the likes of Nuneaton are different class? Maybe I am just getting old but they at least put together sets and atmosphere as close as it was back in the day. Opinions?
  12. Recent,........ marvin gaye "love starved heart" Classic............isley bros " why when the love has gone" All time top track for dancers Slow down classic.........frances nero "keep on loving me" awesome And for the instrumental....torch classic earl van Dyke "6 by 6"
  13. Ah if only with hindsight . BUT I do own an original Freddie Chavez on look bought in the mid 70`s at a popular alldayer along with Ron holdens I`ll forgive and forget (now getting plays again) paid the princely sum of £1.50 for the pair out of my then £12 a week wages as a motorbike mechanic !
  14. It fills the floor as its a top class dancers tune so not surprising , class is class , same goes for Frankie b and the butlers
  15. Clearly we have two different points of view and...... both valid....that`s what makes the scene so intriguing and attractive....a draw ....enjoy the new stuff
  16. I see your point and for sure I can remember when "Gone with the wind" etc were new discoveries but even back in the nid 70`s I much prefered the Monthly Friday oldies night at Wigan. Finding unplayed sounds from the early days must now be a nightmare so new or more recent productions will have to be played And Yes I agree some promoters would have you believe that they have re-created the events of today to replicate the scene back in the day and in some cases it may resemble it, but that1s not my point ...You cant just knock people for going to events because its not your bag as I said i pick and choose carefully which events suit my taste and whilst I swerve the likes of 100 club, lifeline , Rugby and many more cutting edge venues I have friends who love these venues so I dont knock them just because they are not for me. The scene I knew (even sitting out back of the Torch in 1971 too young to get in but listening with my mate to major Lance etc) was never perfect even back then. Wigan was a dive to say the least But we still went . Today`s events number wise far outweigh what was available then and some are just fanciful if well meant ideas but still some work I attended a new event a few weeks back at West Brom town hall and whilst not perfect it was pretty good and for sure I will go back. The Monster at Stoke is far from perfect between 11-2 its mayhem with plenty of wannabees and newbies who have little idea or sense of space and direction ...sore feet abound from being trod on ...and quite a lot of hat period I sit out but later on its terrrific so my last comment would be ...if you dont like whats been played don`t go and if you are no longer enjoying the scene as it is today move on. I know for sure when I no longer find Frankie B and the Butlers " If that`s what you wanted" pure magic and, I aint on the floor before the lyrics start I will as stated.... Move On.
  17. My Tuppence worth... I was around Early to mid seventies ...Raised on Torch classics ..Then .Wigan, Notts P Ivo etc 74-79 and now I`m getting closer to 60yrs old than 50. Why do I still go to the niters and selective events ? because I still love to dance!! BUT I am an oldies fan only no interest in modern or anything else and that`s because for 4-8 hrs I can re-capture my youth and live the dream once again dancing and singing along to the only real music in the World Northern soul classics and once or twice a month that escape from everyday reality is just the ticket.... just like it was when I first started. If you are selective there are great events be it Classics, Modern or anything in between. The scene today is still strong just be selective and stay true to your roots . The calander has far too many also ran events and spending a fortune on records doesn`t give a God given right to call yourself a DJ!! Sets have to be put together and at the venues I choose ( Kings Hall, Grosvenor Rooms, Stables club, St Ives, Nuneaton, X fire etc etc They are ....most of the time. So I pays my money happily and enjoy the night ignoring the comments of "they only play the top 100/500 tunes" Etc ...Errr that`s why I go IF they played stuff I had never heard the I wouldn`t be there...It aint broke so stop trying to fix it ...Rant over.
  18. Isley"s The Superlatives and Stienways all in the space of 15 mins ......pure dancing magic!!
  19. Went t Wigan 1974-79 alternate Saturdays and of course the monthly (Fridays if I remember right) oldies night ... In fact I can remember when Rita and the tiaras was a new discovery! lol. Nice 1st Cd`, all Wigan relics except perhaps the Marvin Gaye track ... I never heard that played there ? But Chris King will definately know for sure,so suggest for final clarification ask Him. PS Ian D did you once work on a poker production? If so we know each other well
  20. Nice spot...plenty of dancers,,, and something for everyone , enjoyed it
  21. Sense ...at last! You... or should I say I look at the playlists and decide whether or not to go to a an event...seems sensible enough? I went to Rugby without seeing a playlist , it wasn`t for me.... but may well be to others liking so knocking it makes no sense if you like whats been played go if not give it a miss...simples.
  22. Top 500 is just fine,Dottie Cambrige, Jimmy Rae et al... is just like it was back in the day those Tiffs All Dayers at Newcastle? and Fridays monthly Oldies at Wigan? And just like it should Be today Imo.
  23. A few of my fav`s in there .... Will have to pay a visit to this event soon
  24. Ehh! FFS This is a wind up right? Just have to say... glad it was played again....had an opportunity to dance to it . IMO. When an event goes on for 8-10 hours sometimes a popular record is played twice, and this aint bad imo as it gives the later attendees a chance to hear it, so no complaints from me. PS. The music at the Kings is mainly top drawer as are the DJ`s
  25. Missed it 1st time as didn`t get in till 10.45 but, Superlatives played again around 3pm and again the floor was packed....superb!

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