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Everything posted by Theothertosspot

  1. Donald Lee Richardson You Got Me In The Palm Of Your Hand With the Excellent "A" side I've Learned My Lesson Soulville Records Would be Mint but for slight mark £115 in P&P PM if interested Regards
  2. Have uploaded Issue #2, but is upside down. You can right click on the opened PDF and select "rotate clockwise" (do this twice) to view properly. Shall scan again, this time correct way up. Regards Beatin Rhythm Number 2.pdf
  3. Don't you get it. temptation and all that. we want what we can't have then only to find it was there in the first place. Do not chase for records that are being played, either take a step in front or two behind to rebrand. Foresight is a wonderful but annoying thing is things can go wrong. No help I know but just to keep thread going. R E Gards TOTP
  4. Short Cuts featuring Eddie Harrison Your Eyes May Shine UK United Artists Demo Couple of surface marks and one pop £62 inc p&p pm if interested Regards
  5. Missed the Shirley Lawson, one more chance, in same class as Barbara Mason You Better Stop It. Fantastic tunes and not heard too often or often enough. Regards TOTP
  6. Have got issues 11 to around 24 already scanned, I'll check out the size of them and download them if you want (as discussed previously) ATB Bob
  7. Then it's Unanimous and we've won
  8. As far as I am aware (not telling but enquiring) are the first boots exact copies, but when held up to the light the vinyl is grey and transparent), whereas the later boots have smaller text. ATB Bob
  9. Know it don't help but Gilly played it at Pure Soul last night, awesome record and then some (imo). Good look in your search. ATB
  10. Herb Johnson - I'm so glad Light marks but do not affect play George Freeman - Down and Out Quiver side has sticker over record number otherwise EX- Wanting £120 and £140 inc P&P respectively PM if interested R E Gards
  11. Knew they played together with one team, oh it was England, fool that I am
  12. Oh by the way, got a copy of the Invitations on JayBoy, just can't find it at present. R E Gards
  13. Recall a friend was going to see the Four Tops when appearing at a local venue. When he realised the line up had changed due to unfortunate circumstance (ie bereavements, etc) he cancelled. The promoter pointed out to the punter that Bobby Charlton plus George Best, Dennis Law, etc, no longer played for Manchester United but the name remained the same. What's in a name!
  14. They then got forwarded to the bargain basement type shops (charity?) which were scourged upon and then reinvention of a new sound, et al Bok to Bak (great record BTW) Only my Op
  15. Perhaps Taboo, but weren't it the worst seller on UK Destiny (800 copies?) when issued in the UK for the first time. R E Gards TOTP
  16. Is it an OTIS REDDING cover, forgot title (used to have a copy on demo). Recall Steve Johnstone rating it, but at the time did now't for me. Perhaps well worth revisiting. ATB Bob
  17. Always dropping my H's
  18. During the late 80's well respected and knowledgeable soul man Pete Smith produced a fanzine documenting British releases of Northern soul records. The fanzines proved to be a very interesting read (imo) and with kind permission Pete has agreed that they be uploaded for your pleasure. I realise that not everyone is into English releases of American records, however, I'm sure that you will find them an interesting read. I have uploaded issue 1 and hope to upload further issues in the near future. Regards Bob Beatin Rhythm Issue Number 1.pdf
  19. Been offered a better cond one on above label for £350!, how much on SIN(N)?, I dare not guess. One off Pete would have been a bargain. R E Gards
  20. I was beaten to it, just like the copy PeteS was selling
  21. Bugger, was gonna post earlier but got engrossed reading about Rodd Keith and Preview label. Excellent price Regards
  22. Dream Merchants Stop (You're Breaking My Heart)

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