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Everything posted by Theothertosspot

  1. Loved this tune when I first heard around 73/4 and still do. That's a testament of time methinks
  2. You Dr Love by any chance
  3. Written by Sidney Barnes and co help (JJ Jackson?), my favourite record ever, and it also promoted the next stage, ie from Torch to Casino, it was the missing link between the two that kept the scene moving forward (imo). Wonder what records do that nowadays, food for thought perhaps. Regards Bob
  4. Wasn't it covered up as Benny Harper?
  5. Two more issues for your reading pleasure. Again as with the previous issues the information contained therein is absolutely essential reading. Thinking about it, isn't it strange that the release dates of the records/artists/labels being reviewed and the writing of Shades is less in terms of years (generally) to that when Shades was first written to the present, if that makes sense. Enjoy Shades of Soul issue 13 Apr 88.pdf Shades of Soul issue 14 Aug 88.pdf
  6. Would that be Bostock's? They had a lot of Metro stuff, ie on MGM, Verve, etc, around 72/3 as I recall R E Gards
  7. Loving the tunes, they're spot on, covers a wide spectrum of clubs. Good thought through choices Regards Bob
  8. I had mine spiral bound too, sad as I am
  9. Further reading for your enjoyment. In my opinion they get better reading because of what you bought and sold and how everything changes towards the sounds being played at the time. ATB Bob Shades of Soul No. 9 Dec 1986.pdf Shades of Soul issue 10 April 1987.pdf Shades of Soul Issue 12.pdf Shades of Soul issue 11 Aug 87.pdf
  10. Please acknowledge SEANO and CHALKY for their input
  11. To follow over the weekend are issues 9-12, followed by the new posts of 13 plus R E Gards Bob
  12. These downloads were posted beforehand by "seano" as it was his baby so to speak. Cannot thank him enough for his passing on of knowledge, after all "knowledge is strength". Enjoy the reads, four more to follow (however today time eludes me so I shall do them tomorrow) R E Gards Bob Shades of Soul issue 5 August 1985.pdf Shades of Soul issue 6 December 1985.pdf Shades of Soul Issue #8 Aug 1986.pdf
  13. As suggested by Chalky, I am going to upload every issue onto this one dedicated post in order that members do not have to forage around to get them all (which after all makes sense). For all comments made previously I can (shall) make a hyperlink to those posts. I shall start the posts from issue 1 (Posted by Seano originally up to issue 10, BTW respect to him for conceiving the idea of posting these and also to Derek Pearson who produced them all, with contributions from many) and post them in PDF's of 4 at a time, therefore around 8 posts. Any discussions, points raised, comments can then all be addressed onto this post. Hope this makes sense. Here are the first four issues previously uploaded by Seano. ATB Bob Shades of Soul No. 1 Jan 1984.pdf Shades of Soul issue 2 July 1984.pdf Shades of Soul issue 3 Dec 1984.pdf Shades of Soul issue 4 April 1985 (cpdf).pdf
  14. Here's issue 12 for your enjoyment. Having read it myself recently, I was amazed to discover that I missed a few bargains. Take a look at George Sharps sales; Jerry Cook, Delrays Inc, Roy Wright, James Dockery (which version?) all at good prices even then (imo). I bought the mag at the time and on the sales list only saw Liz Lands "Midnight Johnny" as it was the one being played at the time (could be wrong on that) post-25611-0-80789500-1431547625.ipb ATB Bob Shades of Soul Issue 12.pdf
  15. Have got issue #'s 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27 and 30. Can do issues 24 and 26, but do not have issue 25, 31 an 32. Sean can you scan these three when the time comes? Regards Bob
  16. Issue #11 Enjoy the read Shades of Soul issue 11 Aug 87.pdf
  17. Thanks to Sean for Issues 1 thro 10, great job Continuing with 11 onwards, and I plan to post an issue every week on a Sunday Thanks must Also go to Chalky who has helped sort out the scans I have Regards Bob
  18. Which one? Could you highlight "the man" please as I am not sure which one you are referring to. R E Gards
  19. I'm Gone and Do It both came out on the Mauve Spectrum label, Do It also came out on UK Action and I think French Vogue. Think the Blue (boot/reissue) came out around 78, and also think the Billy Sha-Rae version of I'm Gone was played before Eddie Parker as the boot appeared before RS started playing Eddie Parker. Think Billy Sha-Rae was first played at Cleethorpes and then Wigan championed Eddie Parker. Wasn't Billy Sha-Rae a pseudonym for Jack Ashford (thought I read that somewhere about 30 years ago) Regards
  20. I thought you were mine by Natural 4 was released on Two labels, can anyone explain the reverse in choice, ie first issue is suited to the modern crowd and second one to Northern crowd (though probably discovered first). ATB
  21. You need to open PDF, right click with your mouse and rotate clockwise (twice) Apologies to you that know Hope you enjoy ATB Bob AMMENDED NOW Beatin Rhythm Number 2.pdf
  22. I can use a CD and DVD player, a computer, operate a centre lathe, etc Can I use a scanner correctly, can I !!!! or another spin could be:- Another IT lesson - Simply open the PDF, Right Click on PDF when open and select Rotate Clockwise. Beatin Rhythm #3 Hope you enjoy reading this one, I think it is especially good. ATB Bob Beatin Rhythm #3.pdf
  23. Try here https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCYQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.discogs.com%2FDee-Dee-Sharp-Derek-And-Ray-What-Kind-Of-Lady-Interplay%2Frelease%2F3581757&ei=2OpMVaDlJMahsAGN3YDADQ&usg=AFQjCNEjKM1O486E938PA0Ad1ycgqTqNtg
  24. Paths must have crossed, and shall do again. God Bless You and Rest In Peace. Belated condolences to family Bob
  25. I obviously aimed it at people in the Southern Hemisphere

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