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Everything posted by Theothertosspot

  1. At a loose end, thought I would post these. Just like Stafford, they're coming thick and fast. Records on front page of all three magazines, anyone hazard a guess as to what their value was then and their current value/availability now? (A Kings ransom on both counts I would have thought). R E Gards Bob PS Went to PURE SOUL at HARTSHILL, NUNEATON this evening and considering there were so many events in the area tonight, I was pleasantly surprised by the attendance, and music played was absolutely spot on. Well done Ralph, Les, Rob and Paul (in no particular order). NB This is not a plug for PURE SOUL at HARTSHILL, NUNEATON held once a month as you will find in events. Shades of Soul issue 22 Dec 92.pdf Shades of Soul Issue 23 Dec 1993.pdf Shades_of_Soul_Issue_24_September_94.pdf
  2. Further reading for you with Issues 18-21 (should last the avid reader through the weekend). As Issue 20 states "seven long years and still going strong" (went on for a few more too. Again as with all previous issues another excellent read. Enjoy ATB Bob Shades of Soul Issue 18 Jan 90.pdf Shades of Soul issue 19 May 90.pdf Shades of Soul Issue 20 March 91.pdf Shades of Soul Issue 21 Dec 2001.pdf
  3. Oh by the way (no not the Teddy Van intro) love the sub-title, Detroit Make Them Best, ATB
  4. Been a while since last post, had problems with PDF. This issue is packed full of essential stuff (as previous issues) and reviews of records that are more elusive now as when first discovered. The contributions from DJ's/collectors is second to none, that increased interest within the scene when left to its own devices (ie no BBC documentary) and kept the scene faithful. The above comment is only my opinion and may be taken with a piece of salt. Enjoy the read R E Gards Bob Shades of Soul Issue 17 Aug 89.pdf
  5. Didn't think it was legal for imports prior to 67/8 however, US records were brought in by the US forces at their bases and also a few did creep in via the ports, hence the North-South divide, Beatles,Stones, etc, who were all recoding cover versions of US records. Due to this embargo what happened was the UK labels (both Majors and Independents) then pressed up records leased from the USA in the UK due to demand from UK punters (perhaps the start of NS as we know it) a practice that continued into the 70's and beyond. It had been done beforehand by labels such as London, but not necessarily due to demand (although a good many soul records were released on London). Interestingly enough JJ Barnes did cover versions of Beatles tracks, Day Tripper for example (good version too imo) which was released on Ric-Tic and Polydor Doesn't answer question I know but may clarify in some way. R E Gards
  6. I understand first plays on UK label then discovered on US (which apparently is far rarer). Mine cost me £80 on UK along with Holidays - Making Up Time on Polydor for £15 not too many years ago. However, think the days of them prices are well gone. ATB Bob
  7. Stand corrected, meant Seals and Crofts. Think there is a loose connection between the two groups.
  8. Is it "Seals" from Seals and Nash as was thought in the 70's R E Gards
  9. Think Bell Records beat you to it with "Cellar Full Of Soul" which of course was tunes played prior to 71 although am not sure of release date, but early 70's I think.
  10. Just bought above on Alpha (Stage of love) knowing it may have received plays, however, turn it over (as many will have already done) and oh what a record far better than cottage by the sea plus others. As always post is opinionated and open to retort. ATB
  11. Been a couple of weeks since last post, but needs must, have been away to Scarborough in God's County (may cause a response. but nonetheless). Enjoy these two issues as I have done (apologies for the slight tears, I never kept my copies in "polypockets") Shall post further copies within the next couple of weeks. R E Gards Bob Shades of Soul Issue 15 Dec 88.pdf Shades of Soul Issue 16 April 1989.pdf
  12. No Smoking, thank you R E Gards
  13. https://www.discogs.com/artist/98591-Johnny-Jones-And-The-King-Casuals Issue for sale here @ £64 (don't know what it goes for). Find it interesting that he recorded on Peachtree, and this was a Peachtree recording with William Bell at the helm, yet released on Brunswick whilst Peachtree folded.
  14. They were from Scotland, but knew how to play. Did Mike Terry Give them lessons on Sax, you perhaps would have thought so (imo) ATB
  15. Can you put up a soundfile please
  16. Exactly' after being reintroduced as you say
  17. Think you will find that I am correct, in addition late 87 is beyond mid eighties.
  18. Then why plug it on the BBC?
  19. Looks to me that you hit the "space" key before you started typing duty. ICT Level 2
  20. IMO, the mid-late 80's did exactly what it intended to do, that being reintroduce soulies (hate that word) from the seventies back into the fold as they have by this time got married, etc, hopefully passed message on, ie best time of your life, perhaps persuaded the kids into "your way of thinking" (I hope not) and the World Keeps spinning!!!!
  21. Think the blinkers came off big time when Wigan opened (it was printed in a broadsheet at the time), however, my earliest memory was when I heard Lee Dorsey (WIACM) and Joe Tex (SM) that were radio plays around 68, that I became aware of clubs playing sought after sounds, mostly on British Labels (that was soon to change as demand/thirst grew). Enough said, shall include in a new thread as going off topic. ATB
  22. That explains why it was "an insight into" on BBC TV in 87, even saw a clip of Carl Fortnum at Bradford on the prog (was that also Kings Hall? sure I shall be corrected) ATB
  23. Thought Soul Sam had the only copy of Coloured Man (BTW is the title PC) back in the day, or was that wishful thinking (meaning it remained in his box). R E Gards
  24. Try here ATB Bob
  25. Can anyone advise price please on Jerry Jackson title in topic on UK and USA label please. Appreciate I can look on Popsike, etc, but do they reflect "sensible prices" R E Gards

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