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Everything posted by Theothertosspot

  1. thinking of selling a few but not sure of prices Records are Chubby Checker - Just Don't Know UK CP Demo Jerry Jackson - Rough out there UK CP Demo Tony Middleton - Ends of the Earth UK Polydor Issue Any info appreciated please
  2. These anomalies have been placed intentionally to get feedback (or is that just my way of cover?) Bob
  3. Been a while, but boy is this worth the wait. I defy anyone who says that the UK record companies did not cater for Soul music in the UK, as they would source American soul records for release in the UK (remember back in the 60's imports were illegal and only gained access into the UK via ports, most notably in the North West and South East and also the USA based soldiers who bought their own way of life here, as they did wherever they were based, hence the finds to be made in Germany). This also lead to independents such as Deep Soul and Soul City releasing tracks that were sought after by the now emerging NS movement. That's my soap box moment, take it as you like, but more importantly enjoy the read. NB - As per usual all credit goes to Pete Smith for contributing/compiling/producing and also all contributors to the mag R E Gards Bob Beatin Rhythm Issue Number 4.pdf Beatin Rhythm Issue Number 5.pdf
  4. Shall sort it tomorrow, thanks for letting us know. Regards
  5. Wakefield Sun Trypt on Love MGM Demo M- Cond £60 pm if interested
  6. Need to crack on with these. Shall try and upload more soon ATB Bob
  7. Thanks to Sean for uploading again, fault was on my part. I have also uploaded again this time "correctly" in the earlier post so as to keep them chronologically (if that's the right term) correct ATB Bob
  8. Not sure what happened there, must have liked issue 7 that much posted it twice. Cheers for the correction Sean ATB Bob
  9. Don't know but the other side has connections with Little John/Trent Sisters on Gogate, which you perhaps already knew as this reply is 5 years down the line. ATB
  10. Just looking at #25 and how good is that front cover, what value the records now I wonder? how many Little John on Gogate are there even today (wasn't last copy around 6k?) Any replies welcome (apart from what happened to Rob Grays copy of MS, you best ask him yourself).
  11. Been a pleasure to upload them as it gave me the opportunity to read them again, however as I have said earlier, this was Sean's baby and I only got involved because I had access to scanning an uploading facilities and had the time to do it. Thanks must also go out to Chalky, Mike and the SS team who have supported this thread throughout, and also to Derek Pearson and all the contributors to Shades without which this thread would not exist. I, as am sure others involved, am only too pleased that we have been able to contribute to Soul Source, and pass on this well documented information. R E Gards Bob
  12. Check if you can upload this one, I had no trouble with it. Bob Shades of Soul Issue 26 Oct 96.pdf
  13. Thanks for that Mike ATB Bob
  14. ​Going rate at the time, similar prices for Soul Bros Inc, Ree Flores, etc, and they were too much then (imo) As in the words of John Gary Williams, The Whole Damn World Is Going Crazy
  15. Tried to upload also without success, also ha a PM telling me the same. Shall try and be the Boogaloo Investigator
  16. Little Anthony now Sold
  17. ​Got Bari Track/Miss my baby (latter being played at the time- circa 72) around 74 from Derek at Coaville Market, who had on his labels "special import" or summat like that, soul bowl.
  18. I personally stopped going to soul venues around 1982 as I got married in 81, and Mr Gair did what Mrs Gair wanted him to do. As per chance in 1984 I was working at Surridge Dawson (Newspaper/magazine wholesalers) and was talking to a magazine rep (spotlight) who had frequented the Torch/Mecca. We spoke about old times, and then he showed me an article in Record Collector about a new magazine that was being launched. Unfortunately I didn't buy it until a good few years later (#11) and have paid the price. Lessons to be learnt methinks.
  19. Wanted Buddy Connor When you're alone Breakthrough 1003 State price and condition if got one for sale Regards
  20. Have uploaded all issues I have. Sean is going to follow on with issues #25+ Just like to say thanks for his help, after all it was his conception (I was just happy to help), and also thanks to Chalky for his help also. Hope everyone has enjoyed the reading so far, I am certainly looking forward to reading the remainder has I only have #27 and 30 after 24, so have missed a few. ATB Bob
  21. Must remember to check download before uploading, Issue 24 has pages 1, 2, 1, 2 followed by 3, 4 etc. Never make a good PA for anyone shall I.
  22. Make me an offer please BTW which side do you play? as both rip roaring (imo) ATB

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