Hi, after yesterdays announcement we have along with Trinity Community Centre Management decided to apply the following Covid Safety measures, these are as follows:
a) to scan the NHS track & Trace app on arrival, if you are unable to use the app you should leave your details with Sue, or
b) show proof of 2 vaccinations.
All this is not compulsary but would be greatly appreciated for the safety of all who attend. Masks are not necessary but if you feel you need to ware one by all means do. We are looking forward to seeing you all again for the start of what will be a great night. Dave, Gerard & Sue x
Hippeeeee, here we go (hopefully), we have just had a phone call to say we have got the go ahead to start up Trinity again on our last Saturday of the Month, the 1st one being on the 31st July, obviously this is dependant on the restrictions the Government put in place at the time, but we will keep you all updated on what we can or can't do, we will know more on the 21st June, so start getting your dancing shoes polished, fingers tightly crossed.
DJ's to be announced asap.
Until we get our new flyers sorted please use the old flyer shown for address details only, please ignore the dates as these are old flyers but we still remain the last Saturday of every month.
Dave, Gerrard & Sue x