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Everything posted by ZootSuit

  1. Absolutley, only thing is I dont actually have it set up with the Grado, I was pissed a few weeks back and f**ked the styli, ay over a ton for a new cart I have yet to run it by her indoors. The cart I'm using is a bog standard one and is rather heavy on the Bass.
  2. I've had my Quads apart, they actually have decent comnnects in them, VERY heavy cable, but not silver.
  3. They the old BBC design......BLOODY GOOD SPEAKERS, BUT need a decent amplifier to get the best out of them
  4. First time I heard it it was ''GOT TO GET A COPY'', blew me away. These days.....the cd sits its on sits in its box, not played for at least 2 years but originally it nearly wore the CDplayer out, but we move on. The way I look at it, you WANT something BADLY enough you pay over the odds for it, and I'll bet EVERYONE on here has been there. The price paid is not an issue, ITS LIKE STAMP COLLECTING, people pay shed loadsa dosh for aq bit of paper with a picture on one side and glue on the other, they stick in an album and then have orgasms over it, and yes, I have been known to have orgasms over bits of vinyl in my collection . The bottom line is that WHO EVER bought the record PAID what it was worth to them !!!.
  5. Dave, Like U my system was a present to myself, I'm pleased with it, my neighbours have told me they DONT share my tastes in music , consists of British components as follows :- Quad 12L floorstanders, Bi amped via a pair of Quad 909 monoblocks (using QED Silver Anniversary cable), Quad CD player and PreAmp, deck is a 30 year old Dunlop Systemdek mounted with a Rega RB350 arm and a Grado M/c cartridge. I asked U dont like the music OR U dont like the sound?.....reply was ''NEITHER, JUST THE BLOODY RACKET'' Zoot
  6. Is your amp built to run 3 speakers, ie 3 paired speaker inlet/outlet sockets?, or just 2 pairs?....if only 2 I think tunes would sound out of sync Klipsch used to build lovely horn 3 speaker system, a friend ofthe old man had some, I only ever heard them once, BLEW ME AWAY !!!!!. been a hi fi geek since
  7. As you say, this ''hippy'' appeared on stage, longh hair, bell bottoms, actually all the Mecca DJ's had a hippy look as I recall apart from Ian Levine,, anyway, first tune out of his box was Hoagy Lands 'Next in Line' , say no more. Never knew the man personally but I know what he's going through, (a close relative has just been dignosed) and I wish him all the best.

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