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Everything posted by ZootSuit

  1. Absoluteley, BUT, at home I listen to Opera/Blues/Ska/Reggae/Jimmy Hendrix, Jeofferson Starship, Genesis....depends on the mood enhancer, as an earlier poster said.......THERES MORE THAN JUST NORTHERN SOUL !!!!!. Got to be VERY narrow minded to only like one type of music
  2. Could have known him, hazy days, but everybody gave the Corby lads a lot of space , they hogged the front of the stage and us lesser mortals who were still learning and practicing our steps hung around at back watching the dancers to pick up moves, about the only faces I remember are peeps like Blosh, Swish, Matchy and Mick and Pete Burgess.
  3. They were tatty in 1967
  4. Mr.Tilsey?, aint that the geezer from Coronation street
  5. I've been thinking about that what I wrote earlier, Manus re the balcony, in our younger days I'm bloody sure Chiefy, me and one or two others WOULD have attempted a forward drop offv there, I think a 3 foot wall were highest object we ever tried it off, word to the wise 45 years later my hands are now phooked, as yours will be , so, if you want to look after your hands the way forward is to only go back . I also, to a degree, go along with Mr Barge and say 'High Kicks' originated at Wigan, (as I have no recollection of seeing OR doing it me self) along with the floor walkers, the side steppers, the hoppers etc etc. Prior to Wigan, as Manus says, it was all footwork with the Spins/Backdrops/Backdrop with heel touch/Jump and touch your toes and convert to a back drop and all flourishes were finished off with a spin.....................at Wigan it seems footwork went out the window and winning an Olympic Gold medal for the most gymnastics to one tune ruled....see the UT vids.
  6. Off topic BUT Spot on , you want to come out with mesen, Blueten, Kimbo and Manusr3a....nothings changed, I've driven home some nights wondering what the f#uck :thumbup: , and its a wonder God hasn't been down for a pick me up with JB up there .
  7. Now Matchy, he was a good dancer, but best dancerI ever watched and copied moves from was Frank 'Booper' when we used to go to a nighter in the cellar of a house in Bradford (1971?), these 2 alone, in their day would have made the Casino dancers look like the puppets from International Rescue, and the Catacombs dancers were in a league of their own. I'm not saying they, the Wigganites cant dance, BUT they look untidy, pity there are no U Tube clips of Cats/Torch/Mecca dancers to compare styles, it would prove you cant learn 'proper' dance moves from a Martial artist, and that NS dance styles were in vougue, and the dancers themselves better AND earlier than Wigan !!!!!!!!!! And there were very good dancers used to come down to the Market Harbourgh niters from up North, Matchy for example.
  8. Towcester, knowlegable crowd, everyone knows everyone, £3 to get in and change from £5 for a couple of f pints, and the bonus...bloody good choons !!!!!
  9. THIS RAMBLES A BIT BUT ITS TO SHOW IM QUALIFIED TO COMMENT ON THE ALLEGEGATION THAT NS MOVES ARE KUNG FOO ORIGINATED . Anyway, I suppose at 65 and still going to events, I'm what you'd call ''one of the older guys'', I attended my first nighter at either Earls Barton or Kelmarsh, not sure which as I was always chemically enhanced and things are very hazy, which everyone used to attend after The George at Wilby, this was around 1967 at the tender age of 17. I used to go on a regular basis, EVERY WEEKEND, with a lass called Jackie Stringer, older members from Bedford may remember her, anyway, we split and I was introduced to a lad from Yorkshire named John Horsler (Soulcarp on here) who was working at Vauxhall in Luton, he was a Twisted Wheel regular and my initial introduction to him was by non other than SS member Chiefy. The intro were at a Thursday night disco in a pub, I was probably at the time one of biggest NS collectors in Luton and Johnno were a mean collector as well, anyway to cut a long story short his, Johnnos, style of dancing were like nothing we'd ever seen, BACK DROPS., HIGH KICKS, SPINS, BLACK DRIVING GLOVES AND LOUD SHARP CLAPS. Took him to Wilby, f*ck, he needed all the floor for dancing, and me pretending Im not with him 'cause he was the only person dancing like it. So in 1967 a bloke from Yorkshire, who had attended the Wheel regularly was dancing a style that SUPPOSEDLY originated at Wigan, what a load of crap, I only attended Wigan once in 1976, and I thought then..OK they're all having a go, BUT as they say on strictly come dancing, what a load of untidy dancers......arms, legs all over the place, they MAY have learned THEIR moves from Bruce Lee BUT the Twisted Wheel/Catacombs dancers didn't !!!!!!
  10. Only time I EVER DJ'd first out of box was This gets to me - Pookie Hudson...........EVERY BUGGER SAT DOWN.....never DJ'd again, talk about feeling shot down in flames its a bloody lonely spot up there
  11. Brilliant venue, brilliant night, despite my comment, BUT, to that point you couldn't get room ont floor to dance proper :hatsoff2:
  12. Yo Len, the couple who did the 11.00 to 11.45 last night immidiatley emptied the and it more or less, (less being the word) stayed empty for their 45 minute spot, I'll be honest and say personally I did'nt know a single tune they played, however, not knowing new tunes has never been an issue for me, if a tune has kudos you can dance to it. When's the nxt one Len, were well worth the travel up from Luton
  13. UK blue Stax issue, always thought it sounded a bit loose on the intro, like the bass strings were loose. Its never sounded like a voice to me, (but then I'm a deaf sod anyway according to the Mrs ), had it for 40 odd years, been playedon a few decks, not just mine, never actually discussed the intro before .
  14. Casino started before the Mecca????, I remember the B&S write up's Godin did for BOTH the Wheel and the Mecca, don't remember any mention of the Casino, ever, in Blues and Soul(stopped buying it appx 1974), only Torch, Mecca, Cats Va Vas etc, etc. Our crowd from Luton went to those venues way way before the Casino ?. I remember the The Mecca running from from 1971 to 1979, and Wigan kicking off a bit later and running from 1973 to 1981, but then my memory is buggered so I'm probably wrong:). And yeah, although it wasn't a bad programme overall, blokes I work with were on about my still going to Northern Do's, SIB, Wirrina, Bletsoe and Wilby reunions, more about do you still do gear, no way I DRIVE Bout time they did a documentary from the dancers point of view, rather than all the promoters, DJ's etc ect
  15. Excellent !!!
  16. TOUCHE !!!!!
  17. Yo Manus, how were last nights All Nighter?, NAME a girly tune that were played out THERE last night , then I remembered this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GQyJTdu7Zw
  18. Meself, Blueten and Kimbo went Chid's 60th Birtday bash Saturday, travelled up from Bedford, see past events we've posted comments, LOADS OF 50 going on 60Ts there, Blueten is 60+, Kimbo 56, Blueten cant dance due to a damaged leg but meself and Kimbo ALWAYS have shuffle, Manus will verify that , AND, if I drop on the floor at least it'll be doing something I still enjoy, 47 years down line, as opposed to in a a hospital bed !!!!!!.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sounds+of+lane+tracks+to+your+mind&sm=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqjrzPQXONg
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqjrzPQXONg
  21. Too right, remember trying to dance to this at Harborough
  22. Me I think this is one of those tracks where the instrumental B side is the better dancer.
  23. Public apology, no excuse but I'd had a bit to drink, be a liar if I said it were super fast BUT its hardly slow either
  24. What is your history dude ??????, you come out of left field with a comment like that ?????
  25. You being facetous?, (taking the piss ?), those r fast, the Tammy Terrel was a throw away, WAS fast baxck in the day

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