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Frankie M

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Everything posted by Frankie M

  1. Can't wait for Saturday, gonna be a cracker
  2. This Month's guests are Brian Walker and Chris Morgan plus Bernard Heap and of course residents Frank and John, a cracker of a night in prospect Please note due to sale of hotel its our last one the end of an era 51years as a soul venue
  3. Great packed nights this year ,love to see you in the iconic soul cellar
  4. A night of 60Ts and 70Ts across the board soul and vintage R&B with Guests Alan Coulton and Brian Berrisford and Ryan Lloyd
  5. looking for a copy in VGC or better ,seen discoggs etc Please PM Me if you can help Thanks
  6. Looking for a copy in VGC + or better of Hesitations She wont come back on a issue.reasonable price please from a UK seller Pm me if you can help
  7. A night of 60Ts and 70Ts across the board soul and vintage R&B with Guests this month Dave "Woody "Wood and Bernard Heap plus residents Frank and John
  8. A night of 60Ts and 70Ts across the board soul and vintage R&B, with guest Marco Arreghini and Xavi Heres plus residents Frank and John ***Entry is at back of Hotel and down steps *
  9. Do you still have Danny White miss fine fine ? Thanks
  10. This month brings Neil Gibson to the cellar, always has a great box of original vinyl 60Ts and R&B, ,plus Frank and John going to be a cracker
  11. This month brings Neil Gibson as guest DJ with cracking tunes and joins the residents Frank and John
  12. Definitely another great night in prospect Alan
  13. A night of 60Ts and 70Ts across the board soul and vintage R&B with guests Ken Waghorn (SOS) Debbie Bonnell on her first time will be doing a spot Plus Frank and John
  14. Now sorted thanks to all
  15. Hi Yes missed that one. Thanks
  16. Looking for this 45 in VGC or better at a decent price ( seen the other sites ) ,if you can help and in UK ,please PM me ,stating price and condition Thanks
  17. Our pre Xmas special with guests Bernard Heap and Harry Nightingale plus Frank and John, a night of classic soul and vintage R&B
  18. Great nights in the cellar continue and this month we have Boltons Derek Whatmough as guest ,plus Frank and John playing the best in 60Ts and 70Ts across the board soul and vintage R&B
  19. Yes great to see you and Collette Alan
  20. This month we have the Bredbury Soul Clubs Carole and Dave as our guests and another great night in prospect, its £4 on the door for another night of 60Ts and 70Ts Across the board soul in our 50th year in our iconic soul cellar
  21. Now sorted thanks
  22. Wanted in VGC + or better at a realistic not discoggs price please from a UK seller.Either label is great but must be ovo .Please PM me if you can help. Thanks
  23. A great night of 60Ts and 70Ts soul and R&b with Frank and John and two guests Chris Bearsoul Morgan and Marco Arreghini .We run 8.00pm till 1am £4 on the door with free buffet
  24. With this month's guest Alan Coulton always a great night and in our 50th year a bit special .So for the best in 60Ts soul ,Northern Soul and New Breed R&B see you in the cellar

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