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Everything posted by BazM

  1. Sooo looking forward to Saturday at the Ukrainian, it's been one of my favourite venues to visit over the past 12 months, missed the last couple due to commitments but back for Saturday and really looking forward to spinning a few chooneroonies in excellent company Here's one of my faves at the moments, hopefully will get chance to play it...
  2. One of Karl's recommendations and a fitting track for tonight and the day....Always in our thoughts
  3. Few more tunes we can expect on Saturday but just scratching the surface looking at the DJ rosta And this...
  4. Here's a tune that could get a spin in both rooms during Saturday's proceedings as it's finding favour with both the rare and modern soul crowds
  5. Looking forward to what could be one of the North West 'Nights of The Year'! Sooo many great DJ's, sooo many great sounds, all together in one great venue CULCHETH VILLAGE CLUB remembering one of the scene's TOP guys Two nights in one, just like LOWTON used to be, with the main room starting at 4pm and the separate Modern Room staring at 8pm and both going thru till 1am Here the Dj TIMES For Karl Rhodes Memorial do on Sat 6th May 4.00 till 5.00ish Baz Maleedy 5.00 - 5.30 Steve Thomas 5.30 - 6.30 Karl Heard 6.30 till 7.15 Gospel Bob Robert Cornock 7.15 - 8.00 Steve Green 8.00 till 9.00 Carl & Maria Willingham 9.00 - 10.00 Wigan Paul Shirley 10.00 - 11.00 Jumping Joan 11.00 till 12.00 Robbo 12 -00 till 1.00 Birthday Boy Kevin Murphy We will have an old Karl Rhodes CD with 100 copies up for sale for £5.00 or donations. This will go to Air Ambulance Charity as it helps many people all over UK ( including Wild Walkers )lol
  6. The MODERN ROOM returns to CULCHETH on SATURDAY 6thMAY with a top selection of DJ’s playing Modern Soul from all eras! Pete Ratcliffe starts the night with all the latest, new 45 vinyl soul releases, a unique feature of the CULCHETH Modern Room. Pete is joined by CASSINELLIS and NEWTON CRICKET CLUB spinner BILL WILDMAN, who always features great tracks from those halcyon days from the 80’s. CHARLIE SMITH weighs in with the current MONSTER tunes, setting the rare modern dancefloors alight, NICK McKINNON showcases rare and not so rare tracks from the 70’s 80’s, CAN YOU DIG IT, YES YOU CAN! And finally, we are joined by the omnipresent, modern maestro CHRIS BOX, who will guarantee you’ll hear the best of the best modern soul. All in All a Great Night…Guaranteed!
  7. So, the big news about this event is the extended times. Normally the nights at Culcheth run from 8pm to 1am but due to demand and the number of DJ's wishing to be involved the event has been extended to start at 4pm in the afternoon. So come early, grab a bite in lovely Culcheth Village and spend the night listening and dancin' to some top tuneage from a selection of great DJ's including;- Kev Murphy, Steve Thomas, Steve Green, Carl and Maria Willingham, Robbo, Joan Livesey, Robert ‘Gospel Bob’ Cornock, Paul Shirley More to follow, so follow this event
  8. So looking for something a little bit 'special' tonight? Last April was FANTASTIC, more great music install this evening... Join us and you can join the Brothers Isley " If You Were There"
  9. So looking forward to what is set to be a fantastic event! Definitely a case of 'all roads lead to Morecambe' on the 15th with two great rooms and top, top sounds on offer. See you there
  10. Following on from the FANTASTIC night in April 2022, Modern Soul originators, SOUL SAM and ARTHUR FENN are back together at the next ‘SPIRIT of the ORWELL session at HAYDOCK PARK GOLF CLUB on APRIL 22nd. This time Sam and Arthur are planning on showcasing not only some great tunes from the past but selections from their current playlists, so expect the unexpected but quality all the way…
  11. Well, it was always a risk moving venues, but it’s one that seemed to have worked well. I loved the old venue because it reminded me so much of Lowton Civic, but it became impossible to work with the new management, so a move was the only option. It would seem that it’s done us all a big favour and we have a superb new venue, where we can continue to enjoy the music and friendships we’ve had for years. And that was what was sooo special about last night seeing so many had made the effort to come to the new venue and gave it a resounding thumbs up! The Northern room was very busy from the 'off' and it looked and sounded great, the Modern room looked and sounded great, although we may need to take the bigger room next month as it was packed! The music in both rooms was superb, so big thanks to the main room DJ’s, Kevin Murphy , Mick Howard , Robbo, Simon and Special Guest on the night Dave Shannon who’s love of the music is infectious. And the Modern room DJ’s Pete Ratcliffe , Tony Shawcross and Charlie Smith. I sincerely hope everyone enjoyed it, judging by the comments at the end of the night it sounded like they did. Hope to see everyone on May 6th for a night that’s going to be a little bit ‘Special'
  12. The whirling dervisher ROBBO added to tomorrows line up so we could have a bit of this
  13. Hi not sure if ever came out previously on 12" so picked it up on your recommendation. 2 great sides Mate and as you say both suitable for the Modern Room...good shout
  14. Don't forget CULCHETH is a two roomed affair... Room 1 Northern, 60T’s, Floor Fillers and Crowd Pleasers, OVO Rare & Rarest of the Rare, Soulful R&B and More with ORIGINAL LOWTON DJ’S KEV MURPHY & DAVE SHANNON Plus BOB HINSLEY - JORDAN WILSON - SIMON INGHAM – MICK HOWARD And the THE MODERN ROOM, ‘So Soulful Saturday’s Rare 70’s Thru To Nu 2022 Soul, 70’s AND 80’s Modern Soul, 2 Step, Rare Grooves, with Special Guest TONY SHAWCROSS (Chocolate Radio) plus BAZ MALEEDY - BILL WILDMAN - PETE RATCLIFFE - CHARLIE SMITH
  15. You will for sure Martin
  16. A BVAN MONSTER!... remember those wonderful 'Covid Streams' ?
  17. We are in for a treat on Saturday when our special guest DJ is Dave Shannon. One of the original LOWTON DJ’s, Dave’s passion for the music back in the heyday of LOWTON CIVIC still shines through today. To quote him from some of our recent messages he says “Some records have meaning, real memories from the heart”… Can’t wait to see and hear Dave’s set at CULCHETH on Saturday, I hope some of will join me, for records like this…
  18. Stormin' girlie soul, reactivation on the cards
  19. Lovin this all over again, first heard at LOWTON CIVIC
  20. One more week to go before the inaugural night for our ‘Spirit of Lowton’ special, at CULCHETH VILLAGE CLUB. Looking forward to welcoming special guest DJ’s, one of Lowton Civic Hall’s favourite spinners, DAVE SHANNON, who’ll be featuring some of his favourite sounds from the very much loved venue, as well as some of the records he’s collected over the years and is looking to feature in his set. Add to that Chocolate Radio DJ, TONY SHAWCROSS joining the Modern Room team and you have the makings of a great night out on SATURDAY APRIL 1st
  21. Think this beaut may get a spin
  22. Dave's 'on point' again
  23. Fron the CASINO to CULCHETH Saturday April 1st
  24. One from Dave...

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