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Everything posted by BazM

  1. [ A ideal niter for me would be quality rare up-tempo Northern in one room/Modern and Soulful house in the other. Unfortunatly i don't know of anywhere like this at the moment! Anyone know different?
  2. Hi Chalky Here's a link to Dave's e-bay shop https://stores.ebay.com/dandkmusic Dave 'Instant Nostalgia' Withers......Top Man!!!
  3. Hi Gene It's Val Palmer on Twin Hits b/w Richie Brown Uptight also getting plays Best BazM
  4. Hi Dave, Hope you are well mate You know I view you and Louise as one of the Modern Soul faithful and I know EXACTLY what you mean. Prestwich WAS good there's no doubt about it. Stoke was a sucess from and attendance point of view and from a musical point of view, the unsecured, temporary dancefloor was bloody nightmare, but steps have been taken to make sure that does not happen again, so that should help going forward. Can't really comment on the Bury Anniversary, I guess Jayne has already stated her reasons for that. So i'll do a Forest Gump and say 'so that's all I have to say about that' Seriously though, you are right, a lot of people have stopped going out, or more accurately, have stopped going out to more regular do's and have started to wait for the events like the weekenders (or specials) and then turn up there en-masse and have a blow out. I guess 'there's only so much oil in the ground', as they say. Things in life tend to go in cycles and I believe that happens with some of the things we're involved in, in this case the so-called 'modern' scene (which in itself means diffeerent things to different people) but as I have said in my previous post I do belive that there are positive things happening in a number of places but in small measures, hense the 'green shoots' analogy. I guess we take it one gig at a time, choose our venues based on the offering they promise and if that suits our personal taste we support them and help them either remain part of the mix or grow to become part of the mix. So IMHO it's up to promoters to work hard to present good music, in a good environment, look after their customers and avoid thinning out the potential base with event clashes. All we need then is to hear a few new tunes, some we've not heard for a while and have a good night out with like minded people, that usually does it for me. ATB Baz
  5. Hi Barry Hope you are well! Knowing you and your love of Soul Music generally and your history, I know that the question you have asked comes from a genuine interest, so I would like to give you my perspective on the subject you pose. Before I do, can I just reconfirm the question 'What Is Modern Soul at All-Nighters?' I want to do this cause I need to specifically exclude some of the venues mentioned already in the thread, because A) they are not All Nighters and more specifically because IMHO the music played at Prestwich, The Orwell, Seductive Soul and the late lamented Modern Room at Lowton DOES NOT fit into my view of the kind of music that could re-kindle the interest in 'modern' soul music at All Nighters. I say re-kindle because Roger pretty accurately described the demise of 'Modern' (not just at Stoke but) at many All Nighters were 'Modern' was played, Winsford for instance. That said, and the main reason for my post, is that I have recently seen the 'green shoots of recovery' at recent All Nighter 'Modern' rooms. I believe that most people on the (All Nighter) scene today attend venues because they appreciate Soul music, some more that others, some deeper than others but at the end of the day they are there because of the music. Over the past few Stoke All Nighters a conscious effort has been made to feature music which is vocally soulful, uptempo, recognisable or memorable, some rare and some not so rare and making an effort to tell the people in the room what they are dancing to rather that just stringing record after record together, not really rocket science but the results of this have been two busy 'Modern' Rooms at Stoke from start to finish this year and quite a few people including Myself and Colin Curtis very much looking forward to the next one! So, Barry you ask about the split, 'the percentage of Classic Oldies (Modern) Y2K, Soulful House and ex Jazz Funk' that gets played. Well there's no hard and fast rule other than the kind of guide mentioned above, it's whatever feels right on the night, but I can give you an idea of some of the tunes played, which were appreciated by the crowd in the 'Modern' Room at the last Stoke and left us feeling that a corner had been turned regarding All Nighters being the right place to grow and develop this theme. (Just a Few) Stoke All Nighter Modern Room Selections Marc Evans Given Me Joy Joe T Vannelli Harlem Gladys Knight Use My Imagination Tashan Soul Survivor Dennis Ferrer Church Lady Jazimina Let the Rain Come Down Romanthony Hold On 7 Samurai Modernization Maxine Inniss Standing Strong Samuelle Sartini Real Love Could have given more but I guess you'll get the idea of where i'm coming fron BTW Do get to the next Orwell if you can cause I think you'll like it
  6. Know you have and saw that you did....and sincere thanks for your support Nick
  7. Just to let you know Nick the music policy in the Modern Room at Prestwich is to play new and 'advance release' Soul from the US and UK.
  8. Already getting spins at Lowton guys....thanks for the tip!!
  9. Nice thread Bazza Dave was always one of my favourites at the 'Hallowed Halls' (Wigan) Always did great sets at the Saints Club and continues to be just a little different to everyone else (IMHO) He's the main guest in the Northern room at Prestwich Longfield Suite on June 6th, so come and say Hi, he'll like that................................................................ Top Man!!!! BazM
  10. If it was deffo a femail version this'll be the one.......................
  11. Anyway can any regions cast any light on any of these. Only hear them once in a blue moon so to speak Little Richard------Poor Dog
  12. Looks like JB has claimed that one! Billy Sha rae also big oldie up here as well. Think the 'regional' thing is dead right
  13. Hi When I was coming into the modern room Bob H was playing Oliver Cheethams version r u sure it wasn't that? It's a CD track Hope that helps Best BazM
  14. Hi Rod Hope you are keeping well....................... I dont normally get involved in the 'what's modern got to do with it' kinda threads cause it's all pretty much subjective (see Barry May's earlier more passionate posting) but I thought I would reply seeing as you've specifically mentioned the Prestwich review i'd posted. The post was made more as an insight, to anyone who may be interested, into what kind of music is being played at Prestwich, hopefully to raise curiosity levels enough to tempt them to join us on the first Friday of the month to come and have a look-see and listen for themselves as to the superb new music around at the moment. As far as the Modern Room at Prestwich being (or trying to be) anything to do with the Northern Scene it's quite simple; It's not! It is, as you say, a room that just happens to be at the same venue. However, I'm not convinced that there is 'no common ground at all' other than that. In the first instance, there are more people than you seem to give credit to, who actually flit between the two rooms and enjoy both the Northern AND Modern (upfront) Soul being played at the venue. There have been quite a number of people from the Northern Room who over the years have become 'hooked' on the music played in the Modern Room at Prestwich and have become as dedicated to new music as they were to the old, (but interstingly not much the other way round). That aside, the main common ground to me is that the music being played is predominantly BLACK AMERICAN MUSIC more popularialy known as 'SOUL!' If we are going to discuss Modern Soul and how it fits into Northern perhaps we should agree, that in the main it won't! The Northern Scene is strong enough and has been going long enough to be quite definined as a predominantly 60's based music scene and even within that broad base there are factions enough without trying to bring so called 'Modern Soul' into the mix. In the main a record or track will only be labled a 'modern soul' record if, as it has been pointed out in this thread, it will 'fit in seamlessly in a Northern Soul set', Hey Presto! Michael Watford (seamless?) suddenly stops becomming a 'bang bang house record' and becomes 'Modern Soul'. To quite a few on here it was a Modern Soul record the day it was released. This, as far as i'm concerned, is the labeling template for any post 70's record adopted and played on the Northern Scene but interestingly (or not) these records will ALWAYS be labled 'Modern' and never be fully accpeted as 'Northern' even though they fulfill 99% of the criteria. This labeling process also preciptates the continued use of the word 'Modern' to describe anything that is played that isn't 60's which does piss me off and is potentially damaging cause some people still think it's Driza 'effin Bone! So where is the main link between the so called 'Modern Scene' and the Northern Scene today? Well Rod as you point out, it isn't the Modern Room at Prestwich! IMHO the link comes from forward thinking dj's who will seek out and champion something different and venues like the Orwell, were a pretty broad spectrum of Soul Music can be played, from the latest independant CD releases to obscure 70's (Modern!) thru to brand new uptempo Soulful Dance Music, some of which, at some point in time, will have the potential to be adopted and have some influence on the Northern Scene (and in some cases already have) All the Best BazM
  15. Rob Smith had copies of the Feb issue for sale on Friday at Bury but I couldn't/wouldn't buy one cause I too have paid my subs and am waiting for my copy..........COME ON GUYS!
  16. Dont think e-mails have EVER worked, but was thinking the same thing though. Heard a rumour bout a month ago but dismissed it......maybe it was right???? let's hope not
  17. Bin playin this at Lowton, seen a couple of copies recently IanC may have one in 'The Loft' might be worth a PM Good luck BazM
  18. Doin BIG things at the DDA Lowton at the moment via Paul S and Karl. Played it at the Orwell last week. Great record!
  19. A man who's glass is definitely half full

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