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Everything posted by BazM

  1. Hi Steve Jus picked up on this.......my copy is green (103) and does not have the chimes, i've always belived this to be the original mix with later copies re-mastered and the chimes added, kinda makes sense....and the credit is 'Lasawn' Hope this helps Best Baz
  2. Thanks John, but it's gotta be the Peaveys to match up to another pair for technical reasons Best BazM
  3. Anyone got a pair they'd part with? must be 118s Holla back Best BazM
  4. How true Dave......cryin shame cause the music was SUPERB!
  5. Current big spin for Ginger Taylor at Prestwich on this Friday, Great Record!
  6. Bin a big spin for Bob Hinsley at Prestwich over the past 6 months or so along with Johnny James, also heard Ginger spinning it recently. Love it!
  7. Rumus Lumley - Stronger Than Me ....not so much of a fade out as shock and awe!
  8. Misery / It Will Be Done Eddie Carlton Hurt / Not Only A Girl Knows Victors BazM
  9. TSOP and The Best Of SoulChoonz together for one great night
  10. Friday 1st May
  11. Known to me deffo and probably a few other 12" collectors. Seen it on e-bay a couple of times last year goes for about £50.00- £75.00...Great 'Modern Soul' dancer IMHO Hope that helps BazM
  12. Not that well known, I've asked loads of people about this since Geoff Whitfield first played it to me years ago. he played it at the 100 club. Beat ballad excellence IMHO! One of those that would fetch bigger money with more exposure JM has never had it in.....so there's an indication
  13. Bin buying back some oldies I sold when 'times were hard and fiends were few' and a few long time wants, for the right price Topics Two Women Buddy Miles 'What Does It Take' Collins and Collins 'You Made Me Believe' Performers 'Set Me Free' Trends 'Thanks' Issue Black and Ward 'Love' Danny Woods 'Fooled' nice and clean Tony Middleton 'Ends' Issue Sunliners 'All Alone' Sir Guy 'Sweet Baby' Superiors 'Rather Die' Demo Sherli Allen 'Think It Over' Pic and Bill 'Talk' and one that's been quite illusive The Incredibles 'Miss Treatment' TUNE!
  14. Anyone on this thread, own any of the five seldom-seen critters i mention earlier..Eddie Daniels etc... John
  15. Lowton Modern Room was brilliant in its day, currently home to the D.D.A. The back room at the Howard was special but for me it's gotta be Prestwich Modern Room...... Sorry if the pic is a bit big
  16. I think we can live with it though...........especially if it has the same effect as when Levis jeans used Marvin Gaye! Hopefully the artist (or his estate) will get some of the royaties the probably didn't get first time around............
  17. Anyone seen the latsest TV ad for Visa? Great ad with Come On Train as the backing track, hope Don got some royalties (if he's still with us)
  18. Bin playing this out recently at Lowton as my last record...........Love It
  19. Agreed.....let's not forget the fact that Lowton is still well attended BUT has DEFINITELY been hit by three Weekenders on consecutive months since September. The good news is that it would seem Weekender season is now over and the December night should be a goodie. Then its onward and upward to the THIRTEENTH ANNIVERSARY in February and you only have to look at the piccy below to see what that was like earlier this year
  20. One person I spoke to (who I didn't know) about the numbers thing said the reason they stopped coming to Lowton was because the music was too 'rare' in the big room and that they didn't know any of the tunes being played? This was echoed by quite a few people Joan hense the logic of playing rarer, less well know music in the back room as championed by the DDA and playing more well known tunage in the big room while maintaining the quality, ie Tomangos with Temptones, Eddie Cartlton with Eddie Floyd, Curly Moore with Johnny Moore, Executive Four with Ellusions and so on. The general consensus of opinion these days is the music is the best of any soul night around at Lowton, in BOTH rooms, so time will tell. Baz
  21. OK, there could be two threads here one could be discussing the apparent absence of the 'North West Crowd' at Blackpool and the other could be discussing the drop in attendances at North West Venues. Regarding Blackpool i'd have to take your word for it Jayne, although if you knew " a couple of hundred" that dont seem that bad to me, BUT I think I get your drift in that, that there was less NW peeps in there than you expected? I was there but never went into the ballroom as I was firmly ensconced in the Modern Room. There was quite a few of the North West crowd in there, but that would be expected in any weekender modern room as the North West seems to still have that hard core modern crowd. There was a fair few travellers (out of the North West) in there as well, lotsa unfamiliar faces, which could back up your assumptions that the Tower in the main is supported by a large contingent of 'out of towners' or even dare I say 'non frequent flyers' who only 'board a plane' for a weekend break or holiday by the seaside!! especially to the Northern Room. I would definitely say a large number of people there where not, what I'd say regulars at gigs i've been to, so maybe they are from the areas you say are 'thriving' at the moment. Now if that's true and they are late coming back to the Northern scene in comparison to people in the the North West (we ahve been very lucky in this neck of the woods) then you could (should) expect the music to also take a backward step too as people request VERY familiar records from their past, which again seems to be borne out by the comments on the Blackpool lookbacks thread. This will in turn piss people who have come to expect better music at gigs, right off. There is a positive in this, in that some of those late returnees will fall in love with what they fell in love with years ago ie the music, and will stay on the scene, as once again they'll want to hear the kind of records that gave them a rush when they heard them the first time. In the past it might have been the Velvet Satins, today it might be the Venturas! Here's hoping................... Which brings me on to the next part of your observations, the Manchester oldies scene. Again I think I know what you mean ie the Soul Nights in Greater Manchester in particular. It's a question of choice. I think there has simply been a polarisation between those that want a real hard core fix ie All Nighters like Middleton and Burnley and those that are happy to go out till 2am to a Soul Night, ie Prestwich, Blackburn, Monacco, Grasshoppers etc. There could possibly be a middle ground into which (IMHO) the likes of Lowton and Bury have in the last 12 months fell, (I say fell because it wasn't a descision to move into) ie great musically but not supported by enough of one or the other crowd. Unfortunately, for Bury it's too late and Lowton probably needs to go more for the oldies crowd in the main room to continue (watch this space). There are of course other pressures on the scene at the moment, all of which have been mentioned , smoking ban, credit crunch and clashing, all of which is having an effect generally. People will as you say 'get choosey' so venues will need to be better value, offer more, give the people what they want, some are doing it others will need to change, after this weekend and the third month of Weekender clashes, I just hope that we do not need to go back as far as some would like to take us......make of that what you will I'm about to post up what's going on at two Greater Manchester oldies gigs in the coming month, in the the belief that there are good soul nights and good gigs to attend in Greater Manchester and were the music definitely still comes first. Best to all BazM

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