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Everything posted by Shimmy45

  1. I feel blessed to have seen Frankie Knuckles DJ a few times starting from the early 90s. Both his music productions and selections were a huge influence in my semi-professional career as a DJ (they paid us occasionally), running parallel with some fantastic nights out as a house music lover. Thanks for the good times, good vibes and memories. RIP Frankie Knuckles.
  2. Personally, I just like the music and having a dance when I get the chance. I wouldn't mind a Frank Wilson kitchen bin, to be used for ironic purposes only, obviously.
  3. Have you got a link? i can't find it. It's for my little sister, honest, ;)
  4. Good tidings to you and your kings.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSZChjInj80
  6. Being in Australia and holed up in a country town, I don't play strictly Northern nights, but i often drop tunes like this when I'm in amongst the bright lights and big cities. Probably over-played to some, loved by others. I have no idea, but some folks seem to like them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzE3nGbGVVA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMT3eWdeZdc
  7. People in a far foreign land trying to spread great music and have a good time. The bloody cheek of it. Personally, I wish them all the best and really hope it works out for them.
  8. I prefer his old Africanism stuff to be honest, although I did cane this when it first came out:- People dancing and having a good time, who'd have thought it.
  9. I like this idea. Seems a good way of keeping everything together. Also useful as you can remove the the plastic sleeve (with original sleeve inside) when placing the cardboard sleeve inside your play box. I'm confident that everything could be re-united later on with a minimum amount of fuss! Thanks for all the suggestions and encouragement so far.
  10. As a relatively new collector/spinner I like to keep my records in plastic sleeves. Now, I know this isn't the best for storage or handling while DJing as in most peoples eyes (or boxes) cardboard seems to be king. My question is thus:- Is it not too much of a pain in the arse separating the original sleeve from the record? How on earth do you match the original sleeve with the record if you where to pass it on? For me, the sleeve is very much part of the record and I get heart palpitations at the very thought of them being separated. Perhaps you have some sort of elaborate filing system or are ultimately not really arsed, either way any thought/tips or alternative suggestions welcomed.
  11. I buy most of my stuff from ebay from him! As stated above, highly recommended.
  12. I've just listened to this on a Soul project podcast and would love to know the answer to the above question!

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