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El Tad

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Everything posted by El Tad

  1. Looking forward to spinning some tunes on the night. Martin Alsop
  2. Was a decent crowd last night and I should be back in August. Martin
  3. Always worth a visit Martin
  4. Had to order even though have a couple of the tracks. Martin
  5. I will bring along some 45's,LP's and magazines for sale. Martin Alsop
  6. Having not been since pre covid,did have an enjoyable couple of hours and will be back. Martin (Tad) Alsop
  7. I am starting to sell and items that will be on sale include records,cds,magazines and books. Martin
  8. DJ times 7-8 Rob Gray 8-9 Billy Maguire 9-10 Derek Smiley 10 -11 Mark Freeman 11-12 Alan Monsey 12-1 Martin Alsop
  9. El Tad

    Spinning Wheel Promotions

    Spinning Wheel Promotions Alldayer in rememberance of CHRIS KING Northern Soul across the board on original vinyl Complete list of DJ's to be confirmed 12 midday start till midnight
  10. El Tad

    Spinning Wheel Promotions

    Spinning wheel Promotions with resident DJ's Derek Smiley Alan Monsey Jimmy Temple Billy Maquire Martin Alsop with guest dj to be added Northern Soul across the boars on original vinyl
  11. El Tad

    Spinning Wheel Promotions

    Spinning Wheel Promotions with resident DJ's Derek Smiley,Alan Monsey,Jimmy Temple,Billy Maquire, Martin Alsop Guest dj to be added Northern Soul across the board on original vynil
  12. Venue details corrected and flyer changed which includes 2024 dates Martin
  13. To be updated
  14. El Tad

    Spinning Wheel Promotions

    SPINNING WHEEL PROMOTIONS with resident dj's Derek Smiley,Alan Monsey,Crazy Mod Jimmy Temple,Billy Maguire and Martin Alsop. guest dj Mark Freeman
  15. Update on Chris Kings funeral. It will be a private cremation with family only. I support his wife's wishes and will let you know it has taken place when informed. Martin Alsop
  16. Just had message that came form his wife,that Chris passed away this morning. I'm so sad for this to happen to the Best DJ that could read a dancefloor. Cannot say anymore at present. Martin Alsop
  17. until

    Usually am present for the start,but will not arrive until between 6 and 7,see you later. Martin
  18. until

    One I always look forward to attending. Martin
  19. Only just found out about John,so sad to hear of his passing.First time I met him was at Bretby when Brenda Holloway and Kim Weston were on live,not long after I got back on the scene . R I P John Martin Alsop
  20. Very sad news indeed,my thoughts are with you,stay strong Dave.Am very sorry have not seen you both for a few years. Please keep informed of any details and will come up. R.I.P. Peter Whitney Martin Alsop
  21. Very nice,look forward to the full story Martin
  22. Only just found out Dave has left us,hope he's ok up in Cloud Nine.Although not seen him for a while always enjoyed his and Wendy's company visiting him up in Doncaster .He had been a stalwart of the scene being in it since the early sixties, will be missed by many. Martin Alsop
  23. Meeting old and new friends at one of the best events ever,will always give support for whatever it becomes. Martin
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  24. Thanks for record and cuppa,was good to see ya Martin A
  25. Will sort paypal friends out in a few minutes, Thanks for reply. Martin A

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