Just thougth of another one. Me and a girlfriend decided to go to Dunstable Queens hall niter Fine you may think but we lived approx 200 miles away, Winter, no car . not much money so we hitched it it took us 12 hrs and when we got to the venue it had been moved to what to me looked like a scout hut, we got there to hear the last 4 records of the night. Friend had gone london after niter So i was left on my own till one of my mates turned up with a spare helmut for his scooter, it took him 6hrs. we left dunstable mid afternoon on sun 2 up, me with my best blazer on ( January ) 4 service station stops later frostbite had set in so we phoned a very nice man ( AA ) who brought us all the way back north in a warm cab. It was 1am mon when i got home.