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Winsford Soul

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About Winsford Soul

  • Birthday 27/01/1959

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  • Location
    Manchester. Ex Widnes
  • Interests
    Match Fishing. Photography
  • Top Soul Sound
    All Williams. I who am nothing. Sam & kitty. I've got something good

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  • A brief intro...
    Interests  include.  Photography.  Match fishing.  

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  1. Cheers mate . The lake is quite big really probably half was visible in the picture as it goes to the right in the distance for about the same amount. I fished the shallow part of the lake as the bailiff had seen cormorants catching Roach there earlier in the morning. Going again tomorrow but about halfway down the lake into much deeper water so hopefully I will catch a few . Winter fishing is a totally different way of catching compared to summer as you well know my friend but if nothing else we are optimistic
  2. This is amazing. Had to share it https://www.instagram.com/p/CXP8WmePRyZ/?utm_medium=share_sheet
  3. https://www.discogs.com/Tavares-Never-Had-A-Love-Like-This-Before/release/1652142 This is up there with any of there records and one I played at the now legendary BVAN nighters Had the pleasure of seeing the Tavares at the Ritz in 76/ 77 ? absolutely amazing live. Ralph. Thank you for the memories and may you rest in peace
  4. Got mine on the wall and next year's is ready and waiting. Has anyone got a spare copy of the 2020 calendar . It was sold out
  5. So looking forward to my regular fix of Swinton. Traditional nighter venue, dark and seedy , fantastic DJs with geat music almost guaranteed with something for everyone what more do you want . Highlight of Christmas for me.
  6. until

    If its 499 Jimmy there's no need for any of these new restrictions mate. We'll that's my interpretation. I will be there.
  7. Thank you for posting as always my friend Is it only me that thinks Jeanette is one of the most over rated / over priced record ever turned one down god knows how many years ago just as it was starting to become popular. Crap then,, crap now. Frank Dell. I would have said possible 77 but long time ago now, I wouldn't argue or put money on me been right never normally am. Ed. I sold mine outside Morecambe nighter in the mid eighties for £20 odd quid £24 I think with a few other bits
  8. Thanks Hugh. He,s also about 2 ft shorter than me
  9. until

    What's the venue capacity 499 .
  10. Carl. Has a wicked sense of humour
  11. Wigan for me too mate not sure about anything earlier for it.
  12. L Allen. Definitely a Wigan tune just to confirm from a earlier post.
  13. Julian. When did Andy MaCabe run Winsford ? Very curious mate
  14. Here we go Karl
  15. until

    Thanks Jimmy ☺ . Always good to see you and have a catch up mate

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