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Pete Coulson

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Everything posted by Pete Coulson

  1. update carol fran and percy millem sold
  2. update otis clay sold
  3. update moss tolbert sold
  4. Ray Agee sold
  5. Hi all Pm or email me at pt.coulson@yahoo.co.uk Any questions or queries welcome p&p extra will ship worldwide paypal or cheque please Moss Tolbert - Money in my pocket - Vee Jay M- £20 Moss_Tolbert___Money_in_my_Pocket.mp3 Captions - Hit it - Millage Vg+ £40 old stafford favorite The_Captions___Hit_it.mp3 Otis Clay - Three is a Crowd - Onederful Ex £50 great uptempo tune Otis_Clay___Three_is_a_Crowd.mp3 B B Brown - I Weep - Dit Dot Ex £40 great 60s soul BB_Brown___I_Weep.mp3 Carol Fran - Knock Knock - Excello VG+ £50 Floor filler R & B Carol_Fran___Knock_Knock.mp3 Billy Gales - I'm Hurting - Shock - Ex £150 Books at £250 Billy_Gales___I_m_Hurting.mp3 Percy Millem - Call on Me - Goldwax VG £75 Still sounds great Percy_Millem___Call_on_me.mp3 Admirations - Hey Mamma - Brunswick (YD) VG+ £50 Getting plays now The_Admirations___Hey_Mamma.mp3 Vi Campbell - Seven Doors - Peacock VG+ £25 Hard to find these days Vi_Campbell___Seven_Doors.mp3 Ray Agee - Real Real Love - Krafton - EX (WD) £25 Nice white demo of this uptempo cracker Ray_Agee___Real_Real_Love.mp3 Allways open to any sensible offer. Thanks for looking. Pete.
  6. correct steve.
  7. anybody tell me anything about this, it' exactly the same as servicemen different no
  8. so to sum it up after 9 pages im no wiser now than when i started, but what a great thread somebody should put this thead in print, brilliant, he said, they said, i spoke to, he spoke to, never had so much fun reding a thread, keep it up guys.
  9. hi darryl first welcome to soul source, second what a fantastic piece of soul you just posted, please lets have more. pete.
  10. pmd ya
  11. help mike please
  12. came out in 89 i think and went out of print, the ones you can find on the net are about $1800.
  13. cheers chalkie, still seems a bit steep for a paperback
  14. nice one steve, i'll take you up on that and keep looking as well
  15. no kind soulie out there?
  16. hope someone can help, i have been looking for this book for god knows how many years, yes i know there are a couple on the web but they are out of my price range, i also know dave rimmer (you stuffy get david) recently aquired one on this site, spoke to dave at the weekend and he said he'd been after it for years as well and never thought of asking on here same goes for me, so here's hoping some other kind soulie would be willing to part with a copy. thanks and fingers crossed pete.
  17. recieved two more today one from john mccrae unfortunatly was cracked in half, bloody post office, all i have recieved so far 12 i think have been superb, pat on the back guys pete.
  18. you still after a lou bond i have one for sale, will dig it out if you still want it. pete
  19. and me, got 6 up to now all great stuff, loads unknown, amazing after 40ys listening and collecting there's still so much to hear and learn, kind of humbling in a way, will definatley get on the next one, hope my offerings live up to what i've heard so far. pete.
  20. sorry chalkie should have refreshed first

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