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Everything posted by Soulie_girl_80

  1. Peeeeeeeteeeee Griffin!!! you're great!! xxx
  2. im not going to comment about another ones problems anymore.. i had enough.. cheers
  3. are you sure i'm the spy? or Mark? Edu is my friend so i had to tell him about it. i shouldnt have send it on the forum, just to him.. but well, its done now..
  4. agree with you Borja! hows everything going by the way!!??
  5. i think there was a misunderstanding there.. i just know what i read, what i meant is i dont know if what he, you, whoever says its true or not.. my english is not perfect and im sorry if i dont explain myself very well sometimes.. so.. what i just wanted to say is i wouldnt accept a dealer being rude to me, thats all..
  6. "Can't recall what was all about, but i remember that he was quite rude with her." "Point is, you don't want to be treated like a three year old when spending your hard earned dosh, do you?" i would never accept this! so i agree with Edu in that point.. respect and education first.. i dont know about what happened, and i dont want to know.. i just give my opinion.. cheers Ana
  7. war english vs spanish or what? i've bought records to english dealers many times, and never had a problem.. and its a real pleasure to deal with some of them.. these days im having problems with paypal, and they had to wait for payments, and they were very patient, thank you very much for that! ana
  8. you're right, your spanish is not great, it's f***n' terrible! worse than my english you could try with catalan mr. moggy.. i will teach you.. and its not barkalona, it's barcelona, where i am from.. nice city btw
  9. well said Del! totally agree with you.. xx the dancers in the Duffy video made a great work, it was obvious we were going to see acrobatics when that video was advertised.. Liam, Keb and Trickster (never seen the others before) are great dancers, and not just cause they can do the acrobatics! but what i also want to say is.. there is some people who likes to do acrobatics most of the time, and they really dont dance but well, if they're happy doing it and thats how they feel it, then thats great! ana
  10. well.. reduced again after all this time (since may).. saw a copy the other day on ebay and it ended for 183,49$.. that is 94 sterling pounds more or less.. thanks for looking ana

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