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Tony Turner

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Everything posted by Tony Turner

  1. A couple more Brenton Wood-I Want Love/Sweet Molly malone-Brent-£40 Maxine Crayton-Don't Take Your Love-Steeltown-£20 The Decisions-I Can't Forget About You-UK A&M Demo-£30 Pat Clayton-Someone Else's Turn-Silver Tip-£100 Shirley Wahls-Why Am I Crying-King-£45 Ernie & Ed-Indication-UK Jayboy-£100
  2. All these are going up on ebay later tonight, I'll put them up here first Sonny Daye-Long Long Road To Happiness-Power-£200 Oscar Perry-I Got What You Need-Peritone (Yellow)-£50 Skip Mahoney-Janice-Salsoul WD-£75 Solid Gold Revue-She's So Good/Come Let Me Love You-Castanet-£75 Gladys Knight-No One Could Love You More-TMG864-£75 The Compliments-The Time Of Her Life-Congress WD-£75 Crown Four-Birth Of A Playboy/ Love For My Girl-Lee John-£50 George (Juke) Byrd-I Know I'm In Love With You-Pay-Tons-£150 Gayle Adamas-Baby I Need Your Loving-UK Prelude Demo-£20 Dynamic Superiors-One-Nighter-UK TMG1016 Demo-£15 Gloria Gaynor-This Love Affair-Polydor-£50 Lew Kirton-Heaven in The Afternoon-Alston WD-£50 Sam Dees-Fragile Handle With Care-UK Atlantic-£125 Barrett Strong-Man Up In The Sky-Uk Capitol Demo-£45 Grover Mitchell-What Hurts-Uk Vanguard-£75 Pete Warner-I Just Want To Spend My Life With You-Polydor-£100 Rideout-Someone Special-Hot licks-£125 Caviar-Never Stop Loving You-Survivor-£40 Kent Drake-Boss Thing Together-Wand-£60 David Ruffin-I Can't Stop The Rain-UK TMG1078 Demo-£20 Midnight-Keep On Walkin By-UK Ariola (PS)-£80 Barbara Lynn-Trying To Love Two-Ichiban-£75 Betty Moorer-Speed Up-Wand-£80 Jo Armstead-There's Not Too Many More-Giant-£40 Major Lance-Don't You Know I Love You-UK Contempo-£40 Teardrops/Chubby Checker-Kent 6 T9-£15 The Falcons-You've Got The Power-Colony Club Special Edition (only 30 copies)-£20 IAP Co-Check Yourself-Colossus-£35 Frank Everett-Spellbound-Big Smoky-£20 Holland Dozier-New Breed Kinda Woman-Invictus-£40 Detroit Spinners-I Just Want To Fall In Love-UK Atlantic-£30 Dee Dee warwick-Worth Every Tear I Cry-UK Mercury-£125 Jimmy Ruffin-Dont Feel Sorry For Me-Miracle WD-£150 Freda Payne-Sad Sad September-MGM DJ-£50 Brooks O Dell-Standing Tall-Columbia WD-£80 Supremes-You've Been So Wonderful To Me-UK TMG662-£30 TT
  3. Any idea on current prices please? Veda-What Its All About-West Sounds Oscar Perry-I Got What You Need-PeriTone Skip Mahoney-Janice-Salsoul WD 45 Solid Gold Revue-Shes So Good-Castanet Gladys Knight-No One Could Love You More-TMG 864 Compliments-Time Of Her Life-Congress Crown Four-Birth Of a Playboy-Lee John George Juke Byrd-I Know I'm In Love With You-Pay-Tons Gloria gaynor-This Love Affair-Polydor Sam Dees-Fragile Handle With Care-Uk Atlantic Barrett Strong-Man Up In The Sky-UK Capitol Demo Grover Mitchell-What Hurts-UK Vanguard Kent Drake-Boss Thing Together-Wand Barbara Lynn-Trying To Love Two-Ichiban Betty Moorer-Speed Up-Wand Freda Payne-Sad Sad September-MGM DJ Brroks Odell-Standing Tall-Columbia WD Pat Clayton-Someone Else's Turn-Silver Tip TIA TT
  4. Definitely, The Soul Set I believe Spun in the 80's
  5. Jimmy found it in LA actually. TT
  6. I have a copy of the 45, contact me with best offer please. TT
  7. I have a copy of the 45 if anyone wants to make me an offer. TT Someone Special that is
  8. The track is called 'Surrender Your Love'. The LP is crap apart from that. I, err, have a spare. Also of the Cecil Lyde 45 and the Rideout 45 that have been mentioned in other posts TT
  9. Have also heard The Belles-Don't Pretend & The Professionals-Thats etc at Burtons in Birmingham (some years ago mind)
  10. I once heard Doris Troy-I'll Do Anything in a workers canteen in Malaysia, went straight back to locals music afterwards! TT
  11. over the last year ive spun ill give you time and the brilliant ' we'll never make it at venues I have this on tape being spun by Guy Hennigan at Stafford, sounds good out but not so good at home.
  12. Where did you get it from? TT
  13. What's the sound quality like on that one?
  14. A few from me Eddie Kendricks-You Can't Stop My Loving Four Tops-Is There Anything I Can Do Evelyn Champagne King-Your Kind Of Loving Solar Heat-Riding High On The Future Cherelle-Still In Love With You Main Ingredient-Have You Ever Tried It Terry Callier-Ordinary Joe (1979) Rita Graham-My Cup Runneth Over Sam Green-You Are Joe Simon-Love Look At Us Now Bobby Womack-Something For My Head Magnetic Touch-Just In The Nick Of Time The Masqueraders-Be For Real Mainly aimed at the 70's/ 80's dancefloor TT
  15. There are lots of records that remind me of Albrighton, Rhetta Hughes-I Cried Myself To Sleep Barbara Lynn-Movin On A Groove to name but two
  16. I always thought green copy was a boot. I heard that originally only white demos were original copies and that the cream and red copies were pressed by the label owners in response to it's popularity. I also heard that John Anderson had something to do with the bream and red copies. TT
  17. I can send you Patti. Doyou still need it? TT
  18. Frank Beverley- Because Of My Heart/ I Want To Feel I'm Wanted TT
  19. I've got a picture bagged copy available, nice and minty, for £100 if anybody wants it. TT
  20. Some of the big records were Fluorescent Smogg, Horizon, Terry Callier, Motherfox, Arnold McCuller, Keni Burke. Give me time and I'll remember some more. Oh yes Brenda Jones and the inst Keeps Me Dancing-True Image TT
  21. I have, PM me. Cheers TT
  22. Does anybody know if Adam B. had a copy of this. I went to a do in Mkt Harborough in the early 90's put on by him and Adey Croasdell and Adam played a modern inst. and I think that it may have been it. It's been bothering me ever since that I can't remember exactly what it was. Cheers TT
  23. Was it Brad Lundy-Breaking Point?

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