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Tony Turner

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Everything posted by Tony Turner

  1. I disposed of my copy some years ago. Could some kind person possibly send me a good quality mp3 please. Thanks TT
  2. I like instrumentals too, never heard this one though Miroslav Vitous-New York city
  3. And I'd like to say thank-you TT
  4. Remember the instrumental?
  5. Could I have that one as well please Simon TT
  6. I have a few copies of Mel Carter - Love Test
  7. Sounds goods, and on my doorstep too! Think that you should have considered Birmingham City football club though
  8. Mine is on Italian President
  9. Does anybody have a scan or details of Essence Of Love-I Want To Share My Life (Or Love) With You also on K City? Also Jerome Jones- Don't Change-Jhamm For Life
  10. I like the version by the Snake from Jungle Book
  11. Tony and Pete Morrissey - good tune
  12. not being funny but i think this is bad advice tony, though i could be wrong. one thing never to do with things like this is ignore them and hope they'll go away. in my experience Still stand by the advice though Dan, I have dealt with many many claims for far more serious injuries in the workplace. Some defences could be it wasn't talc that she slipped on but dust due to poor hygiene (seriously) and I have probably seen many others. TT
  13. I would advise not entering into a dialogue with the club, either verbally or in writing. Let all letters go unanswered and they will probably lose interest. If you reply they will probably write to you requesting all sorts of documentation from you, this is a standard approach from people looking to frighten you. I have a lot of experience in Health and Safety matters and I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. TT
  14. I have been trying to get an mp3 of Keith Curtiss for some years if anyone can help please
  15. Did you ever manage to mp3 this Tone? Yours in hope. TT
  16. I'm certain that the name of the artist was Tony Turner as I find it easy to remember!!
  17. Always liked it myself. Is it rated now? How much does it get sold for?
  18. Thanks Tony Tony T.
  19. If somebody could send me a file of this I would be extremely grateful, I have been chasing it for years.........And it is my birthday today!!
  20. Shocked! Some fantastic 80's recorsd have been played over the years, I still think it could work. Lou Ragland, Garfield Fleming etc
  21. Err no, he says it's 'merde' ie shit
  22. I've sent 5 e-mails asking for details and heard back nowt!! TT
  23. Hi Tony.Not to seem pedantic...have you remembered this tune? OR have you got it on tape?Stevie I had it on a live tape from Stafford. find that mazing Tony as although I am sure Pat has played so many records he cant remember everything, however this was quite a boig record for him in the days when it was played. I can only tell you what he told me! Maybe he was being coy.
  24. I don't have a file unfortunately

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