Haven't got the addresses but I know that the following were involved:
Tony Turner
Angie (USA)
Rupert Burdass
Colin Dilnot
Rich Phelan
gary Evans
John Lloyd
John Reed
Paul Toole
John Mitchell
Mark Anderson
Malc Collins
patrick Biggerstaff
Alan Pollard
Graham Dexter
Ady Pontain
mark George
Sean Hampsey
Chris Anderton
Got yours thanks Joan. I've now checked and I know who is 'naughty and nice' but I don't think that I'll name and shame, just keep the disappointment to myself
Definitely the most disappointing so far in terms of response!
I organised 7 swaps on Soul Talk, usually 15-20 participants, only 4 people failed to keep their part of the bargain.
Tried to embed a youtube clip and failed! Hopefully you can follow the link, what do you think of the tune?
Definitely The Persianettes-Run Run and on the Kent 'Swan' CD.
And also definitely the John Vincent spin.
And I have a live Stafford tape of Guy Hennigan playing it in December 1985.
Apologies everyone, I have finally gotten around to posting out the rest of my CDs. Please let me know if after a few days time you have not yet received it.
I reckon that I'm about 11 down on the swap. Everyone else?
Not necessarily the story of the scene (sorry I know that's the thread) but it piqued my imagination so I thought of my journey.
Robert Knight-Love On A Mountain Top
Showstoppers-Ain't Nothing But A House Party
Dobie Gray-Out On The Floor
Casualeers-Dance Dance Dance
Tomangoes-I Really Love You
Fi-Dels-Try A Little Harder
Sam Williams-Love Slipped Through My Fingers
Eula Cooper-Let Our Love Grow Higher
Larry Houston-Let's Spend Some Time Together
Otis Clay-The Only Way Is Up
Tyrone Barklay-Man Of Value
Cheryl Berdell-Giving It All To You
Tony Middleton-Spanish Maiden
Brooks Brothers-Looking For A Woman
Big Frank & The Essence-I Won't Let Her See Me Cry
Citations-Keep The Faith
Soul Incorporated-My Proposal
September Jones-Give Me All Of Your Love
Lou Johnson-The Panic Is On
Vanguards-Good Times Bad Times
Wee-Try Me
All very evocative for me anyway.
My five:
The Moovers-One Little Dance
Walter Jackson-I'll Keep On Trying
Voices Of East Harlem-Take A Stand
The Vibrations-Pick Me
Steve Mancha-I Need To Be Needed
and err... my second five:
Socialites-You're Losing Your Touch
Singin' Sam-Move It Baby
Royalettes-Out Of Sight Out Of Mind
Roosevelt Grier-C'mon Cupid
Prince Curtis-Pretty Pat
could keep going!