Thank you Dave Raistrick ,
For a fantastic weekend and making The Old Brogues very welcome . Well Done .
I was asked to put up my playlist from my set on Sunday afternoon ,
obviously I didn't play anything uptempo, but tried to play a few that had not been played already,
I have posted this on the Events Comments also , sorry if its in the wrong place .
Esther Phillips- Just say Goodbye, The Players- Why Did I Lie, Daddy Maxfield- I've Always Been In Love With You, Ed Bruce- I'm Gonna Have A Party, Kenny Shepard- What Difference Doe's it make, Lenny O' Henry- Mr Moonlight, Jimmy Soul Clark- I'll Be Your Winner, Al Miller & The Rays- Love Another Girl, Kell Osborne- The Lonely Boy Song, Dean Parrish- Brick's Bottles & Sticks, Albert Washington- I'm The Man, Howard Guyton- I Watched You Slowly Slip Away, The 5 Royales- Catch That Teardrop, Kurt Harris - Emperor Of My Baby's Heart, Lenny Curtis- Nothing Can Help You Now, Timi Yuro- It'l Never Be Over for Me, Jay Traynor- Up & Over, Barbara Dane- I'm On my Way, Kiki-Dee- On A Magic Carpet Ride, Billy Arnell- Tough Girl, John Bowie- You're Gonna Miss A Good Thing, Ronnie Forte- That Was The Whiskey Talkin, Bobby Day- Pretty Little Girl Next Door, Helen Troy- I Think I Love You, Jo Ann Henderson- Baby Please Don't Go,
Cheers WOZA