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    South West England.
  • Interests
    Decent danceable, soul vinyl. Prefer underplayed/ obscure - not repetitive played oldies.
  • Top Soul Sound
    Various. Constantly changing, constantly searching.

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    First heard Motown (& attempted dancing!) late 70's youth.  Always enjoyed soul/ funk/ early RnB. Occasionally attend weekenders abroad. Prefer All-nighters to nights, unless local.

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  1. Yeah, saw Crock of Gold recently. A good view. Never knew Shane was front and center at most London Clash and Sex Pistols early gigs - getting his ear bitten by Jane Crockford (Mo-dettes bassist) whilst dancing together! Been walking around singing 'And a roving, a roving, a roving I'll go...' all week. (Pair of Brown Eyes - Rum, Sodomy & The Lash). RIP Shane.
  2. My reissue Florentine (Tramp Records) has 'D.J. Copy' on it - label is a very light lilac colour with purple writing. Run-out groove reads 'TR-125 A' on 'Walk With A Groove side' (b side: 'Everybody's Talkin'). My original issue Florentine copy has a white label with blue writing. Run-out groove reads 'DRP 3719' and some small initials to the right. (b side: 'Daddy's Home').
  3. Yep, I second that! A few youngsters there with plenty of attitude and nice footwork.
  4. What a great night that was! Loved it. Thanks for recording and posting up.
  5. One here, mate. https://www.raresoul45s.co.uk/servicemen/a/16370/
  6. Defo yes. Yes. And collectively, no. Those who specifically film themselves/ other dancers in this context, generally want to reach a wider (social media) audience: to inform, entertain (and even educate) maybe? Not saying it’s a bad thing to see people performing like dancing monkeys in front of a lens at soul venues - you’re there to enjoy the night socially - but personally, NS dancing for me, has never been about entertaining or performing for anyone. You can’t truly be ‘in’ it, if the aim is to gain social media attention (likes/ views/ re-tweets etc). This isn’t what NS dancing is about. A camera lens pointing at me, is never going to influence me to move a certain way. If it ever did, it would be like following a script, and the spontaneity of what you are hearing the music making you do, would be false and feel fabricated. That doesn't sit right with me. I doubt a new order of social media influencers filming from the edge of dance floors, is changing the form of NS dancing across the scene, but it's certainly noticeable and part of everyday norm. I’m not saying social media/ filming has not strongly influenced the NS dance scene - rather it has operating it’s at the fringes, widely tolerated and accepted, but always from the ‘outside’. ATB Dave.
  7. I liked the episode. Think he came across well, with a genuine attitude and Jordan and Charlotte were the perfect hosts. Would like to know what he was actually dancing to during that clip! but he seemed to enjoy himself.
  8. Could never say I'm a collector... too much out there, too much cost involved. Always thought about collecting a specific 45 label where there's only half a dozen or so in the entire label. But where do you go after this? Where would it stop!
  9. Congrats Mike. -and thanks to all the Mods past and present.
  10. Just Sunshine funk sister! They said you were Different! I hope she got some well-deserved, re-newed recognition through the Light In The Attic releases/ re-issues. RIP Betty.
  11. Thanks for the hard work /effort on the info. Have always wondered about the 'Destruction' 45. I could never find anything similar on the 'Wood City' label!
  12. Not keen on synth drum type sounds on soul records, reminds me of disco cheese - don't know why, so not the Dells. Four Tops sounds alright, but the simple chorus on Laura Lee's version just sounds lighter and fresher, a bit more uplifting - thus meets my tiny dance brain's approval. Laura it is.
  13. Great memories of Mtume’s ‘Tie Me Up’ blasting from the block from boogie boxes, all tuned into Robbie Vincent early 80’s funk! Also wrote ‘Back Together Again’ for Roberta Flack/ Donny Hathaway. RIP James.
  14. To me, it looks like the an project/ assignment for an art student. What you saying Andy, students have lots of time on their hands? !!

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