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Everything posted by kevinsoulman

  1. hairs still standing on the back of my neck brilliant
  2. manhattan transfer cracking version of helpless doobie bros take me in your arms rock me a little while just off the top of my head
  3. cleethorpes classic if i remember one of mylate 70's buys
  4. tweaked the fourtops the key up a few notches the other week sounded great
  5. 12" available on music stack 3 mixes under £4 plus postage just had to buy it as soon as i heard it thanks a lot guys
  6. value please unplayed red grapevine give me the sunshine
  7. was a local dj in lincolnshire in the early 80s lost a box of 70 early motown out of the back door of the tranny van on the A15 near lincoln went to look next day but no joy
  8. scheduled as being as long as you love me ronnie&robin then scrapped but does any one know if any demos went out?
  9. any body watch panorama last night as well as being a very good programme about the alleged back handers taken by sepp blatter and his cronies it had wall to wall northern in the background
  10. love both sides kim weston could not remember it when i got the cover signed in newark the other month any body got a value for the complete boxed set it came with in mint cond inc the enamel 40th anv badge
  11. as some one on stuart mconies show once said northern soul is pop music in its purest form don`t bore us heres the chorus think it was someone out of m people by the way has anyone got a sound bite of kylie singing time will pass you by
  12. thanks for the info bigray1 just looked on aol apparently he used to listen to northern soul in his mums hairdressers in skelmersdale so it seems he must be a fan
  13. is this a rip off of curtis mayfield or a tribute by a fan
  14. i agree with gary unfotunatley i have not hooked my record player to the computer yet so cant download im gonna let my heart do the walking was a fine tune too last black motown release i believe
  15. dells all about the paper absoloutley brilliant
  16. control tower magic disco machine not yer usual motown istrumental & as i type this the insrumental of ghost in my house comes up on n soul radio weird
  17. i bought motown magic mfp50395 yesterday at a boot sale 99p tracks 1 supremes itching 2 mary wells my guy 3 temps get ready 4 m gaye loving you is sweeter than ever 5 marvin tammi onion song 6 gladys and pips the stranger side 2 1 gladys and pips walk in my shoes 2 marvin how sweet it is 3 4 tops cant help myself 4 smokey and miracles grapevine 5 jnr walker shotgun 6 martha and vandellas dancin in the streets seems to be a mixture of most of the albums

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