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Everything posted by Amitwiirly

  1. Northern Soul & Motown at Tallulahs Emporium with D.Js Norman "The cat" Killen and Jimmy
  2. Northern soul and Motown at Tallulahs 19-00 hrs til midnight,122 Victoria Road,New Brighton,D.Js Norman (the cat) Killen,Jimmy Houghton & Chisser
  3. Northern soul & motown at Tallulahs Emporium 122 Victoria Road New Brighton CH45 9LD
  4. I went to the Blue cat soul club in the Purple rain bar southport,yesterday (Sunday 13/8) R & b ,underplayed and 60s 3am -10 free admission and a good crowd,not sure how often its on,I think monthly
  5. Hi Stephen theres the "Juke joint" downstairs at the jacaranda club slater street liverpool (not far from heebie jeebies) playing R & B /mod/early ska and underplayed free entry 3 PM - 9 Sunday 17/9/23 gets quite busy also "Sefton park cricket club" aigburth liverpool playing similar music first sunday of the month 3pm til about 10 £2 adm.
  6. Northern Soul & Motown
  7. Tallulahs Emporium,122 Victoria Road,New Brighton CH45 9LD 19-30 till 12 midnight
  8. There is also a Normanton in Derby
  9. Thanks for adding the link
  10. Apparently done by a panel of "Rolling Stone" writers
  11. People from "Rolling Stone" magazine have compiled what they think is the "100 greatest Motown songs" A hard thing to do and I know its all about taste and opinion but I don't think they've looked too much past the "Major" artists and dug too deep (I know 100 people would all have a different top 100) but some great records missing off this list,what do you think Link Rolling Stone picks Smokey Robinson and the Miracles track as greatest Motown song
  12. Sorry to hear that Tony ,one of my favourite clubs ,Hope to see you all at Burscough Legion ,Jimmy,("sausage roll Jimmy" to ann) you and Lisa take care
  13. According to wikipedia Mojo mama was first 25 miles was considered so alike that Bert Berns & Jerry wexler (writers of Mojo Mama) were given writers credits on 25 miles ,Mojo mama also recorded by Don Varner
  14. Not an original poster but a postcard advertising "Trentham gardens all-nighter"14/11/98
  15. I always send mine in proper card record mailers and have always been paid out,got a book of stamps last time for postage as well
  16. Hi Headsy I have claimed a few times off the P.O,(I sell loads of records on ebay and facebook,not discogs though,There is a online claim form The po will reimburse you up to a certain amount depending how you sent it, 1st class,2nd,signed for etc.,you must provide copies (uploads) of all relevant documents,I.E paypal,discogs proof of posting and take pictures of the packaging and the record,hope this helps,Jimmy
  17. very sad Heaven gained a dancing angel today condolences from Jimmy,Norman & Norman (the cat) sometimes she would be the only one dancing
  18. Hi Dennis Jimmy Houghton here,Re Roger Eagle tapes,give Norman Killon a ring (0151 734 5473) he's got some info for you
  19. Marvin Smith - have more time Vernon Garrett - If I could turn back the hands of time
  20. Whos Dave Knitting
  21. James McEachin (Tenafly T.V Series) - Jimmy Mack
  22. Hi Tom,Type Fame recording studio into discogs,lots on there

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