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Everything posted by Mustang

  1. Well done mate,pleased that you made the right call.
  2. Totally agree with you Chalky,there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, i play it on the decks at venues as original vinyl and it goes down a treat,the sound quality is excellent. Hope that answers your question Patto, it's okay to play it mate, it is an original 45 release,LP's are not singles.
  3. Hi Tezza, PM'd you mate Ron
  4. Ady, Pleased that you have it sorted, I was about to offer some help after your final request. I actually own the one in the photo with the 66 on the label which is mint, I won't let that one out of my sight,so we would of had to arrange something. I am sure you understand as it is rare and in mint condition,plus it cost me a few bob!!!. I do have two other copies that you could of borrowed using Royal Mail, Outta sight demo,striped Cameo Parkway version,M. and The green boot version,Ex. Always ready to help mate. Cheers,Ron.
  5. It is most definetly a Post Office rip off,i had to pay £13 on a record from the States,£8 was the handling charge,so the duty was only really £5. As I have said before on other posts,sometimes it is still worth it when you pick up a bargain or land a rare record that you simply cannot get in the UK or Europe. I buy from most Countries and just açcept the costs,i have done the maths before i buy,so i know what to expect. I don't always get charged,so it could be a random pot luck scenario and i have some really nice records from across the pond.
  6. I did hear that Tari Stevens is Christine Cooper, obviously the hard part is proving it.
  7. Striped original is vinyl and the multi coloured original is the styrene west coast version pressed at Monarch. False alarm is a top tune and underplayed,it is up there in my top favourites.
  8. Hi Folks, Looking for an Original Cedric Records Don Gardner - Tighten Up Your Love Bone Please PM with price and condition Thanks
  9. Very interesting read and comments from educated members. The photo of the record in the information shows a complete amateur botch job on the label,if it was an original stick on label it would be perfectly round. The photo of the original label in my opinion clearly shows that the label is not stuck on, it is pressed on to the record at the pressing plant,at the deadwax it is a slightly curved blended appearance,near the hole there is nearly always a slight depression appearance, the photo clearly shows these two key indicators. I
  10. Hi all, 3 day listing, Mitch Ryder - You Get Your Kicks Have a look,click on the link: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302341169933
  11. Hi All, 3 day listing Frankie Valli - You're Ready Now Have a look,click on the link : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302341138233
  12. Hi All, 3 day listing Peggy March - If You Loved Me Take a look,click on the link : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302340050192
  13. Hi All, 3 day listing Edwin Starr - Back Street Ric - Tic. Original Take a look,click on the link : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302340018098
  14. Last day folks, have a look.
  15. Last day folks, have a look.
  16. Ending today folks Last look
  17. Just over two days to go folks, please take a look.
  18. Hi All, Just listed a Mint example of The Volcanos - Storm Warning. Take a look,click the link below. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302328040870
  19. Hi All, Just listed,a fine example of The Tymes - Here She Comes Take a look,click on the link below. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302327116925
  20. Totally agree Mick, how do you do it?,can't see the link required, obviously it will be staring me in the face somewhere!!!. Sometimes i wish i was 20 or 30 years younger!!! SORTED,worked it out.
  21. 10 day listing folks Rare DJ Demo for sale, Have a look,click on the link below. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302322150471
  22. Hi All, Just listed,a 1976 Original DJ Demo, Dooley Silverspoon - Game Players, A fine example available to bid on now. Click on the link below. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302322150471 Good luck to all bidders.
  23. Hi All, Kell Osborne - Small Things Looking for an Original Demo on NEW BAG An enquiry at this stage,looking to buy in a couple of weeks or so!!! Please PM with price and condition Thanks
  24. Looking for a White Symbol Demo of : The Entertainers- Love In My Heart Please PM with condition and price,thanks. (SORTED)
  25. I will buy that one Gary,hold it as sold mate,I will PM you tomorrow,working nights tonight. Thanks,Ron.

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