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Everything posted by Mustang

  1. Very sad to hear this news about "Skippy" Sue,such a lovely genuine lady who will be missed by all of us,no more suffering,rest in peace dear lady,it was an honour and a privilege to have known you. Thoughts with Family and Friends,Ron.
  2. Into the weekend now,final days. Please take a look !!!!!!.........
  3. Hi Folks, A recent visit to the Derwent dam and reservoir,a very beautiful place. The video is a Coastguard helicopter performing a low flypast over the dam in memory of 617 Squadron The Dambusters,just happened to be in the right place at the right time.Also,there is the permanent memorial as in the photo,very prudent,especially around the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. VID_20200520_140315069.mp4
  4. Hi Folks, Active now for 7 days on Ebay........ Shalimars - Stop And Take A Look At Yourself Verve USA Original The Poets - She Blew A Good Thing United Artists UK Teddy Vann's Orchestra - Theme From Colouredman Capitol UK Velvelettes - He Was Really Sayin Somthin VIP USA Original Please click on the link below and then sellers other items. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303570565584 Thanks for looking
  5. Hi Folks, As we have all been celebrating the 75th Anniversary of VE day and the Allied success in WW2 over the Nazi's,i thought you might like to see these images of the P51 Mustang Crazy Horse which i had the pleasure to fly a few years ago. The aircraft is a TF-51 dual control Mustang which allows the rear occupant to fly the aircraft,which i enjoyed very much,full control of the aircraft including the 1650 HP Rolls Royce Merlin. I flew in Crazy Horse 1,there is another called Crazy Horse 2,both identical. The hangar picture is from our camera and the other image is an in flight photo from the internet.
  6. Out for my excercise and spotted Mum and babies on the canal enjoying the mild weather. VID_20200517_183506248.mp4
  9. Looks to me like a part of a Palm Tree or Palm Plant that has been in the sea water for some time ,"washed" and worn by the salty water which would have a cleaning effect over time. The bottom part of the piece shows stranded sections which you see as the fibrous part of the stem/trunk. I have attached an image of a palm which shows the fibrous sections.
  10. Hi Folks, Active now for seven days on Ebay : 1. MARTHA REEVES AND THE VANDELLAS - NOWHERE TO RUN UK TAMLA MOTOWN DEMO 2. THE VELVELETTES - HE WAS REALLY SAYIN SOMTHIN VIP ORIGINAL 3. THE DOLLS - THE REASON WHY LOMA ORIGINAL Click on the link,then seller items to see the other listings. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303563887686 Thanks for looking
  11. Agree with you Russ and Steve,i have attached a blackbird image which is very similar to the bird in the photo,particularly the beak,head/neck colour and the breast & wing pattern.
  12. Last day folks,please take a look.
  13. A great story,love your determination to find out which bird it was,well done.
  14. Run out of up votes at the moment folks,will update when back.
  15. Great photos,Robins love the suet pellets with mealworm mixed in, they really like a 50/50 mix of plain and berry suet pellets,good point around the small bird access when feeding,to help with this i have a tray feeder on the bottom of the peanut feeder,i put a mix of all kinds in for all the birds,they all love it and all look really healthy. The robins watch and a particular buddy/mate comes really close and waits till i drop some suet pellets on the floor and picks them up excitedly.
  16. Pretty sure that is a Wren,part of their song is the derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,like a mini jack-hammer, there is a a good video and audio of the song on youtube.
  17. Still active folks,running up to the weekend now,please take a look !!!!!!!!..........
  18. Hi Folks, New Ebay Listings for 7 days,please take a look. MARTHA REEVES & THE VANDELLAS --- NOWHERE TO RUN TAMALA MOTOWN UK DEMO BETTY EVERETT --- BYE BYE BABY ORIGINAL USA ABC ISSUE COOPERETTES --- SHING - A - LING BRUNSWICK UK ISSUE VELVELETTES --- HE WAS REALLY SAYIN SOMTHIN ORIGINAL USA V.I.P. ISSUE THE DOLLS --- THE REASON WHY ORIGINAL USA LOMA ISSUE Please follow the link below : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303558060101 ( Please select sellers other items to view the other listings) MORE LISTINGS TO FOLLOW SOON !!!!!! Thanks for looking
  19. Hi folks, Walking earlier for my hour exercise,the route takes me along a canal for a substantial part of the way,very rural,lovely and peaceful. During the walk i passed FIVE who were fishing,one was this beautiful Heron who allowed me to get really close for the photo's,felt humbled as Heron's normally fly away. The other four were three males earlier in the walk with fishing rods over the canal and a single male near to the Heron, again with his fishing rod over the canal.At various places along the canal there were warning notices displayed,which say that during Covid-19 lockdown measures all fishing on the canal is BANNED,what is wrong with people,why don't they get it?,unbelievable really. Hope you like the photo's of the Heron,such a beautiful bird. Stay safe,Ron.
  20. I know Jud very well from being at the various venues were he was filming and others were he was not, consider him to be a good friend,we have had lots of great chats over the years,lost touch and wondered what had happened to him. Thanks Ted for the update,sad and shocked that he has been through so much bad luck,no way does he deserve any of it,my heart goes out to him and hope that everything is better in the future. Jud is a top bloke,the type you would want as a mate,genuine through and through and salt of the earth, hope i bump into him soon somewhere as i miss our chats and miss him filming the scene. On a general note,the world is full of Tw**s who are ignorant and arrogant at the same time, most have not got the intelligence to understand the concept of what Jud was trying to do, but the Soul Family do and we will always be there for him whether he is filming or not. There are many people who try to push you off the rails on our life rollercoaster ride, push them out of the way and carry on. For Jud,always there for you mate,Ron.
  21. Yeh,been a while Hugh,i'm okay thanks mate. hope Yvonne and yourself are good too and life is treating you well. All the best,Ron.
  22. All the very best for your 23rd Anniversary Carl,wish you and everyone a wonderful night. Hope all is well Bro and life is treating you well. Cracking DJ line up,the dancers should be more than pleased with the tunes blasting out of the KWH speakers,Hugh is a top bloke and always delivers. KTF,Ron.
  23. Hi Dave, I am interested in DJ'ing for you,can provide everything that you ask for except modern and crossover,all OVO. Best Regards, Ron.

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