Just seen this topic and i dont post much on SS but i found this one of the more interesting topics, I enjoy a good cover up and seeing the dj's face when they can visually see that the punters or at least one person in the crowd is buzzing off there discovery.. I have a few cover ups myself and it's the most enjoyable to have people dance to these records as at that point i can tell they are dancing because they like the tune nothing else, not because billy big balls dj who everyone worships is playing it or not because it's worth $10000000 and sooo rare (supposedly) ...it's only the fact they're dancing because they like what they hear (or are pissed! ha)... Cover ups are healthy in my opinion...
SOME Dj's do dig and work hard at discovering these records though i would say some more than others, when money is no object undoubtably this makes things easier, and also those who have the money will in some cases have the contacts stateside who in turn let them have first dibs on most things and i therefore don't really feel the need to praise these dj's as that doesnt make it that hard does it now...fair play for them building the contacts in the first place etc. though i think the real diggers don't get the credit generally and alot of them are stateside travelling to ends of the earth digging not sat at the end of an email waiting for there next list..... A lot of dj's have no imagination as George already said, it's sad reading others lists and copying there sets basically where is the enjoyment in that? would never want to play another dj's cast off's basically but hey ho each to there own...
Play what you love, dance to great cover ups and have a great weekend y'all....