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Frankie Crocker

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Everything posted by Frankie Crocker

  1. So what did it sell for in the end? Anyone out there know?
  2. Would be surprised if it fetched £700. Great record, but still turns up regularly albeit not often in great shape
  3. Ah ha... Could explain why Tim was keen to take the block printed version off my hands at a bargain price one Cleethorpes many moons ago. Pottsy's is the business and I've never seen one of these before. Actually got the red swirl variant and oddly enough, it could be bigger than 7 inches as it is a real effort to get it out of the white cardboard sleeve it lives in.
  4. I also have an Italian picture sleeve edition but give me the black ABC issue anyday.
  5. John must have a barn full of company sleeves. When he's run out of records to bid on, he'll auction sleeves for us to start a thread on.
  6. Hi Pete. Was rare in my house. Had two fake issues now replaced by two demos, one vinyl the other styrene. Not cheap, but they sure look good alongside Tony & Tyrone, Cliff Nobles. Soul Brothers Six red and white demos. Much prefer the red and white demos to the black and white ones.
  7. Pointer Sisters Demo makes sense as issues are controversial. Lonnie Lester now hard to find but this price is off the wall. Mind you, lots of cheapies from 20 years ago are now impossible to locate in the USA.
  8. This gives me hope I actually have an issue tucked away in a box - I just can't visualise it at the moment, but let's hope it's a red one. When I heard it at Soul On The Square at London University Union, I thought great tune, gotta have it but oblivious to its existence in the house. I've often said one of the best places to discover new sounds is in your own collection.
  9. I doubt John will think the gains from selling Yvonne Baker will make up for what he failed to realise on Herman Lewis. Some of the records were really set-sale fodder confirming how difficult it is to source top-drawer auction items week after week. Still the best British auction by a long way.
  10. Hi Kim. Good to see you're alive and kicking. It's a good place to be when you discover records you didn't realise you had. Recently heard Joe Murphy - So Blue Without You played out, liked it, went and bought it on a white label. Saw it again on a white label this time labelled DJ Copy so bought it. A few weeks later, found Joe Murphy in the Filofax lists of records in the collection, picked up 20 years ago in Pittsburgh - not yet stumbled on this copy but rather hoping it's not a duplicate that will be sold on... not a clue what colour label this is...
  11. Suspect you're referring to Melvin Davis here. Now at £800+ with a fortnight to go so probably north of £3K. Fantastic record that ticks all the boxes and pretty high up on so many wants lists.
  12. Could never understand why people listen to music on headphones... Music should be listened to via loudspeakers in a dancehall or room in the house.
  13. One for sale on Craig Moerer's site at a reasonable price.
  14. Shrewd thinking. Now looking to be less common than originally thought simply due to the stock turning up in quantity. The book price should slip a bit, and once supplies dry up, the value should perk up a bit. This one looks more like a Danny Moore repeat rather than the Four Tracks all over again.
  15. Point proven. Sometimes it can prove beneficial but too often it is a poor deal. Paying fractionally less than a winning bidder is not necessarily the same as stumping up a bit more than the third highest bidder in an auction, explaining why eBay are keen to promote Second Chance Offers.
  16. Never heard of this method but might give it a try. Putting a warped record between two sheets of glass in a hot oven crinkled it beyond use so I wish I had known of this idea back then.
  17. Lots and lots and lots... Been two variations up for auction most months over the last two years or so. Not sure if there have been any Second Chance Offerings. Given these records turn up in 25 count boxes, sometimes within 100 count cartons, there could be at least 50 to 100 on each label being dribbled into circulation.
  18. I'd keep them both. They look good filed together. Hard enough to obtain one let alone the pair. Great tune by the way.
  19. Hi Lee. Hope one comes your way one day. With your outlook, one surely will at some point in the distant future. Fortunately there are heaps of good records out there in the interim to make the chase all the more enjoyable. Good luck mate.
  20. If a quantity turn up, please can I put my name down for one too. Also in the market for George Pepp, Walter and the Admerations and Ray Agee but must be in mint condition with no writing on the labels and absolutely no drill holes, no silly prices pleeeease...
  21. Been on the scene over 40 years since the early days of Wigan and can safely say there's no substance to the comment made. On the contrary, all people in general have been welcomed and whilst largely a 'white' scene embracing 'black' music, race has never been an issue. On the contrary, some of the very best dancers have been black and held up as role models, admired by all notably Steve Caesar who I travelled to Cleethorpes with, Pete Rickets of Wolverhampton, Fran Franklin and Vernon to name but a few.
  22. Sometimes the drill hole is described in sales blurb as BB which supposedly stands for ball bearing - it appears that the holes were shot by a gun firing ball bearings. Once holed, the records were deemed unfit for sale and returned to the wholesaler for a refund or put into a discount bin for sale. Most drill holes are not a problem, but those in the run out, on the edge of the spindle hole or through the credits detract from the record and can be the source of hairline cracks.
  23. Often wondered why ABC issues had smudges of gold paint on them so now I know why, thanks.
  24. Not really. Court Davis rarely comes to market. You can pick up Cecil Washington more easily for £1,750. Better to own both rather than view it as an either/or decision.
  25. Great care needed here. Bought a white demo a few years back so decided to move on the orange issue as it was described as a boot in the Manship Bootleg Guide. It sold for a bit less than the price of an original suggesting it may well have been a proper issue and not a bootleg.

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