Am currently in Detroit and have driven along 8 Mile Road. Both Cappy’s and Bob Mays premises have been demolished and the sites are empty. Using a 1994 map marked with locations visited on a 1995 trip, Cappy’s was located at 16060 East 8 Mile Road and Bob Mays at 126 West 8 Mile. The map has also got details of other stores visited such as Car City Records, Tom’s Tunes, T & C Oldie Centre, Record Time and Melodies and Memories. Back in the 90’s, you had to have a paper map to get around. Once you had ripped the list of record stores from the Yellow Pages, you were ready to go digging. I found plenty of records on five trips between 1995 and 2002. I’ve just added three more record stores to the old map and am about to drive out to them to see what can be found...