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Everything posted by jonbuck

  1. Jon Buck's RSG is celebrating it's 26th Anniversary on Friday 29th December,now the Anniversary normally is in January but as they can't get any dates in January it has to be Friday 29th December only 2 days away from January & 2007....@ Westcott Social Ashenden Road Westcott HP18 0PD near Aylesbury.... just off the A41 midway between Aylesbury & Bicester.... 12 miles off of Junction 9 M40 DJ's Jon Buck Eddie Hubbard Wayne Pugh Shaun Byrnes & Guest Carl Fortnum from 7.30 till 2am, £7 on the door Free Extra Special RSG 26th Anniversary Badge to Everyone through the door, & there are a few suprises lined up for the evening.....Jon Buck 07977-330697 E-Mail ready.steady.go@ntlworld.com
  2. Just Picked Pete Up From The Hospital & Now He's @ Home With His Feet Up Bucky
  3. Good News [ 9am ]....Pete is leaving Hospital TODAY, as Soon as he can Arrange Transport From Hampstead to Hemel Hempstead..... Jon Buck You Can Call or Text Wicky on 07985 603857 Pete & Helen Wickam 88 Coniston Rd Kings Langley WD4 8DE
  4. Kind words Toby, it's good to be able to relay just what is going on, to those that want to know....& as it happen's Pete just phoned me [ sunday 7.30 pm ] & said they have moved him to the "Going Home In A Few Day's " part of the ward, Which made him sound Very Very Happy Chappie....So it looks like he could be out on Tuesday....I asked him if he will feel like going out @ the Weekend ! ! ! ! Pete Reminded me he hasn't worked for over 3 weeks, & although felling A LOT Better was TOTALLY SKINT.... He Said We Shall See.... Jon Buck
  5. jonbuck

    little bicknell

    Forgive me for being THICK....But is this a Picture of Mark's Little Boy or a Picture of Mark when he was Little ???? Jon Buck
  6. How could we forget you ???? I keep Pete Updated with this thread by printing it out & getting it to him in hospital, Pete said it makes Very Interesting reading & is quite taken in by all the comments....Pete Should be Home on Tuesday....All Going Well Jon Buck
  7. The 100 club was decorated about 2-3 years ago, & from that time there was no Mirror on the wall in the Gents Toilet, on The 6ts Anniversary in September I bought a blind spot mirror for a truck [ 5 inches in diameter ] & stuck it on the wall in the Gents, with a lable saying Donated to the 100 Club from Jon Buck....& it was a good laugh & it put a smile on quite a few peoples faces especialy Dave Rimmer ....but what a shock I had last week for The Euro Allnighter....when I walked in the Gents toilet @ The 100....The whole Wall was now MIRROR....they must have taken the hint.... Jon Buck ps anybody got a photo of the small mirror I put up ????
  8. spoke to Pete 12 Midday Today [ Saturday ] He is in Good Spirits, He say's He has a loveley view of Belsize Park Tube station & all the surrounding parts of Hampstead, I have leant him an I-Pod loaded up with Hours of Northern old DJ set's & alike.... Pete said he won't be going out Tonight Just going to Chill Out in Hampstead with his I-Pod & Manchip's Price Guide....He said he hopes we all enjoy ourselves tonight wherever we go.... ....Pete is Hoping to be aloud to leave the Hospital on Tuesday.... Jon Buck ps Pete hasn't had a Cigarette for nearly 2 weeks, they have been giving him Patches
  9. Everthing Fine....See post 41 [ 2 back from yours ] JB
  10. 9pm Thursday....Pete Said Hi Everbody....he's a bit sore round by his Bollocks,[because they operated through his groin] He say's he feel's Great, & as Pete say's he could be feeling the same as he is now but sitting in bed with a shaved head, Fancy having a Brain Operation via My Bollocks....Pete say's Hi to Shute.... & Leon he say's getting a message from you was a real shock, & he even remembered you being a Man U supporter.... pete's mobile 07985-603857 Jon Buck
  11. 4pm Spoke to the Ward all has gone well & Pete is in Recovery.... Jon Buck
  12. Pete Said thanks for for all the cards phone calls & Texts.... it's kept me going He said Jon Buck
  13. Yea that's the Weird thing They Are Operating On His Brain....But They are going in through the Groin ???? Our thoughts are with you Pete 1pm Operation.... Jon Buck
  14. Been told maybe not till Thursday now....Pete has his mobile with him which he turns on every now & again you can Text him on 07985-603857 Jon Buck
  15. Spoke to Pete tonight. He is in Good Spirits,They are doing all they can @ the moment, he still has the occaional pains which are being kept at bay with a good pain killer,He said they may not operate till Wednesday.... Jon Buck 07977-330697
  16. Pete was on top of the World Yesterday Due to West Ham's 1 Nil Victory over The Arsenal....But That was soon forgotten when they came in this Morning & Cut his Loveley Hair Off & Shave his Head [[[[slightly Exaggerated]]]] ....The Nursing Staff on his Ward in The Royal Free Hospital this morning Said He is Comfootable.... our Thoughts are with you Pete.... Jon Buck
  17. Haven't seen Pete today, but been told by the nurses on his ward that he is OK & will transported to London's Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead after 4pm Today Sunday, all being well they will be operating on him on Monday....while Pete is @ The Royal Free he will be in Thorne Ward....you can phone the ward direct 0207-830-2735 or the main switchboard is 0207-794-0500 Jon Buck
  18. At The Moment he is still in Hemel Hempstead Hospital St Peters Ward....Helen Doesn't know when he will be going to the Royal Free for his Operation....Which in one sense shows that he is not in a life threatening situation, As Helen said if it was really bad they would operate straight away....I Jokingly Suggested it was caused by all those years of Spinning, Which put a smile on his face.... Jon Buck
  19. Yea our thoughts are with Pete & Helen @ This Worring time....I May call in @ The Royal Free in Hampstead on the way into London Tonight or on the way home from the 100 Club.... Jon Buck ps....The Nurse's Keep Asking Him What the Tattoo's are on his knees, A Black Bomber & A Black & White Bomber
  20. Sunday 26th November....Pete is back in Hospital, He went in Saturday Day time He was complaining of pains in his head, & Had lost the feeling all down his left side....on speaking to him this afternoon, he said most of the feeling had come back to his Face & Leg, but his arm was still a bit numb....Jon Buck (contact for Pete & Helen near the end of this original thread) Pete's in hospital....He had a Severe pain in his head on Monday, The Doctor sent him to the Hospital were he has been undergoing various tests, MIR...Lumber Punch Etc...long & short of it is he has a burst blood vessel on his Brain & will be having an operation over the next few days, I last saw Pete Friday night & he has been quite with it, like sitting up talking etc....But as Pete said "I've Got This Constant Headache" anybody wanting to contact Helen who doesn't have their number PM Me & I will forward it to you.... Jon Buck 07977-330697
  21. jonbuck

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