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Everything posted by jonbuck

  1. I know what you mean A french guy from Paris with an Italian Name, Who talk's English like a German & doing an Art Expo in Switzerland ? ? ? ? You can't get more European than that. And on top of that Lorenzo is actualy a Top Bloke.... ps....isn't Cadbury's a rude word in Switzerland ? ? ? ? JB
  2. If you havn't seen my foto's some can be seen here on Soul-Source @ /index.p...&cmd=albums There are nearly 300 or so in different Albums RSG Hall of Fame Vol 1 & 2 etc Thanks Jon Buck
  3. Russ would do quite well, but as someone kindly said to me, It's good to hear & see some of the Pictures & Topics from The Allnighter Scene especialy through they grey years mid to late 80's....that isn't The Same old Same old.... Keep @ It Jon Buck
  4. This Can't Be Compared to Cleethorpes @ All....Cleethorpes Is A Top Northern Soul Weekender, That set standards that other try to follow.....What is going on in Basel in Switzerland is NOT A NORTHERN SOUL WEEKENDER, but what I would say is a few things going on with the Northern Soul Theme ! ! ! ! & it's Probably Not the kind of thing that you would want to travel Hundreds of Miles to see, But if you was in the area you would find it rather interesting....& Who knows this may be something that Lorenzo may eventually be showing elsewhere....So yes save your money for Cleethorpes Roccia Keep @ It Jon Buck
  5. I have been invited over to Basel in Switzerland, Lorenzo Cirrincione from Paris who is an Art Historian, is putting on a presentation as part of a Weekend Dedicated to Northern Soul @ one of Switzerland's top Art Galleries Kunsthalle, Lorenzo's feature is called Soulnighter for which he has used a Very Large amount of my old foto's, Which have been digitaly enhanced etc, this will be on Jan 19th I have been invited over to Basel in Switzerland, Lorenzo Cirrincione from Paris who is an Art Historian, is putting on a presentation as part of a Weekend Dedicated to Northern Soul @ one of Switzerland's top Art Galleries Kunsthalle, Lorenzo's feature is called Soulnighter for which he has used a Very Large amount of my old foto's, Which have been digitaly enhanced etc, this will be on Jan 19th www.kunsthallebasel.ch www.easyjet.com ....details below....KASKO Projektraum für aktuelle Kunst und Performance Warteck PP, Burgweg 7, Basel 20.00 | 21.00 | 22.00 | 23.00 Flashlights Halbstündige Kurzführungen durch die Ausstellung von Paola Pivi "It just keeps getting better" von Studierenden des Kunsthistorischen Seminars der Universität Basel Besammlung im Foyer zur angegebenen Uhrzeit 23.00 im letzten Raum im Erdgeschoss: DJ-Performance von k&k Aus Defekten, Fehlern und Störungen manipulierter Schallplatten baut das DJ-Team k&k an vier Plattenspielern einen Soundtrack zwischen Minimal, Techno und Ambient. Grober Plattenbau in feinster Handarbeit von Nele Konopka (Berlin) und Andreas Kragler (Nürnberg). Ab 21.00 bis 03.00 im Foyer des Stadtkino Basel: Projektion des Dokumentarfilms „Strange World of Northern Soul" von Ian Levine Northern Soul ist eine britische Musikbewegung, die sich Ende der 1960er Jahre in Nordengland herausbildete. Northern Soul ist nicht nur eine kaum abgrenzbare Musikrichtung, sondern auch eine Subkultur, die sich hauptsächlich über das Wiederentdecken und leidenschaftliche Sammeln gut tanzbarer, seltener und weitestgehend unbekannter Soulmusik, sowie einer sich damit identifizierenden Clubszene definiert. Die Dokumentation verbindet Videoausschnitte mit Zeitzeugen-Interviews und Hintergrundinformationen zu den wichtigsten Clubs und Plattenlabels dieser Zeit. 24.00 Soulnighter im Stadtkino Basel Dia-Vortrag zur Geschichte des Northern Souls von Lorenzo Cirrincione (Kunsthistoriker) auf englisch Lorenzo Cirrincione zeigt eine Auswahl von Originalfotografien, die die Norther Soul Clubszene der 1970er Jahre dokumentieren und wird ausserdem ein paar Platten auflegen.Jon Buck wird einige Wörter sagen u. einige Aufzeichnungen @ das Ende des Erscheinens spining if I can be of any assistance please call or text me +447977-330697 Jon Buck or Lorenzo +33686 752171 [dieses bitte merken ist nicht ein Nordseele weekender ]
  6. I have been invited over to Basel in Switzerland, Lorenzo Cirrincione from Paris who is an Art Historian, is putting on a presentation as part of a Weekend Dedicated to Northern Soul @ one of Switzerland's top Art Galleries Kunsthalle, Lorenzo's featur... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  7. ps I am only selling my doubles Few Left
  8. 1st & 2nd Morecambe Anniversary Badges for Sale & Keele Anighter Anniversary Badges 1st 2nd & 3rd on E-Bay, type in Northern Soul Badges on the Search finish's Friday night 10pm Jon Buck
  9. I would like to thank everone for all the good wishes, that have been relayed to me over the past few months, You don't know just how it kept me going, Thanks to all those I know & those I didn't know & those that I NEVER Thought I would ever hear from again, what a memory trip, Especialy Frank & Leon....I am well on the mend now & am looking forward to seeing you all out there Very Very Soon..... Pete Wickham [Wicky] 07985 603857 [pete on the pc logged on using bucky's id]
  10. Very good, & A load more FREE DOWNLOADS HERE The Pete Haigh one is quite good... Jon Buck
  11. What for A Spanish Busman's Holiday ? Get to The Valatones.... JB
  12. jonbuck

    trevor jackson now

    Taken @ Hitchin Last Saturday 2nd Dec
  13. jonbuck


    I bet there is a story behind this car ? JB
  14. Sue & I Bumped into Pete @ Bovingdon Market on Saturday he seemed ok, but said he still has head aches, he phoned me this morning & told me he was made up when Frank from Bedford now in Ireland phoned him....Pete said he will try on here himself & thank everyone for the kindness etc Bucky
  15. Yea Come On Dougie.... Let Us Know Bucky
  16. What Great News....Gavin I Picked Pete up From The Royal Free on The 13th on November ! ! ! ! it's The 27th Today....He Went Back in to Hemel Hospital Saturday I Should have started a New Thread.... Jon Buck
  17. Past & Present Records Hatfield Road Watford....An Alladins Cave ? ? ? ? Bucky
  18. Yea Come on SIMSY, Where's your input ? ? ? ? Bucky
  19. Jon Buck's RSG is celebrating it's 26th Anniversary on Friday 29th December,now the Anniversary normally is in January but as they can't get any dates in January it has to be Friday 29th December only 2 days away from January & 2007....@ We... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full

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