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Everything posted by lorchand

  1. You are absolutely correct! Wow! Even the the melody (and lyrics) changed slightly, both sound good. I believe Bobby Croft helped to write Ooh, It Hurts Me, just off the top of my head. It sounds like him. Lorraine
  2. Forgive me for not addressing you personally, but sometimes you all forget to sign your names. Anyhoo, I will stand on my two boxes of Sepia, Sweet Baby on the grounds I will not incriminate myself! Lorraine
  3. Because all of you know everything, what backing track is it or to what other song? You do know I pass for 44! Lorraine
  4. Thank you Dave f., I haven't heard this in a hundred years! I was hoping it was my Al Gardner. Poor baby, the very thing that made him so good was his curse! He sounded too much like Marvin Gaye. Any knowledge of his wherebouts? (BTW, E. Lewis is L. Chandler.) Lorraine
  5. Is this the same Al Gardner that we had under Pied Piper/Just Productions? Sweet Baby sounds awfully familiar! Can anyone upload a copy of the record? Lorraine
  6. Please feel free to move this to the proper forum. I hope my uploading works. What a wonderful tribute. Lorraine View full article
  7. Please feel free to move this to the proper forum. I hope my uploading works. What a wonderful tribute. Lorraine
  8. Hi Boba, I caught you on the previous thread regarding this and you gave the writer explanation. Thanks for saying it again here. Lorraine
  9. Thanks Steve, OK. I like Pat's version and I like the twist The Dontells put on the arrangement with theirs. I like Aretha's too. Notice the 'like'? I'm sticking with 'Baby' Washington. I think hers is more passionate and soulful, plus I grew up with her singing that song. (Why did the writer credits change between Pat Thomas and The Dontells on the labels?) Do you or anyone else know? Lorraine
  10. I might be a little bias, but 'Baby' Washington gets my vote. She's the original with the passion coming through. It would have been nice to hear the other versions to compare it to (outside of Aretha) so I could make a real comparison. Lorraine
  11. Hi Wrongcrowd, Thanks for story. How horribly misleading. Having Eddie's picture there sort of validates his song, but I was the writer of the song, not the singer. Lorraine
  12. Sorry it took so long to reply but I am just now seeing this. I would like to hear it because I did write a song call I Love You Baby which is different than the Love You Baby I wrote for Eddie Parker. I've sent and e-mail to Ady Croasdell and Jack Ashford in case it is the former because it was never released. And for the record, I only recorded the duet with Eddie on his song Love You Baby. Anything else that uses my name as the artist singing Love You Baby is a forgery. Lorraine
  13. Just to add a few sentences, I haven't heard Tony Hester's name in a while. What a wonderful, talented and gifted writer. We all started out about that time and Tony could whip up a song in seconds. His death threw me for a loop because he was so mild mannered and never 'hung out.' I'm so glad he recorded so that we can still hear that melodic voice. Lorraine
  14. A good song is like an omelette. You can't mess it up, but it has to start with an egg. I enjoy a good cover, from a classic original to a funky masterpiece of the same. A 'classic' can endure whatever you add or take away. The melody stays the same. Arranged differently, but still there. Your version will be the reason for the season. Just enjoy. Lorraine
  15. Season's Greetings! Be safe, eat (and drink) well and enjoy 2012! The best is yet to come. Lorraine
  16. Thank you for the recognition. Lorraine
  17. Chalky, You and all the others did a fantastic job. Unfortunately, this story is repeated here more than I care to admit. You all are wonderful and I'm sure the family is thankful. Now you see why I love you all so. Lorraine
  18. It was a wonderful night and a good show too! Eddie and I will never forget it or the crowd. They were wonderful. Lorraine
  19. I'm glad you all like(d) I'm Gone. Eddie Parker did a wonderful job recording it. Eddie was electric and pulsating, just like what you heard. Just as clarification, Eddie and Billy Sha-Rae are not blood bothers. Just brothers in the Pied Piper family. Lorraine
  20. Bearsy, When two Tauruses get together, it's nothing but a party! Glad to have helped. Lorraine
  21. Folks like Danny thrill me. It's old school. It's from the heart and its soul stirring. He cracks me up, doing the dance routines sitting down, especially the Temptation's walk! Sing on people, never stop. Some folks might not get it, but Danny is singing from life's experiences and if you were ever down and out, have ever been deeply and crazy in love, you can feel Danny. Lorraine
  22. Hey Macca, Debbie Taylor/Maydie Myles is one of the singers that you say, "yeah girl, sing!" She has a voice that most writers would write to that stomping side of her. Slow her down and you can hear her sing. Glad she's still singing and out there. As long as you have the pipes, you might as well use them for other than singing in the shower. You are right about having talent. You can 'cut the cod' when you are talented. You can weather the storms and come out on the other side. Debbie/Maydie is one of them. Good hearing from you. Lorraine
  23. Hi Carl, Good job on the research and I will look into BMI and their internet links. I can't tell you how invaluable your information has been to me and will be to others. I owe it all to IL (won't say his name and get locked out!) and my reply. Shows you how things work. You might not know this, but I gave up on the music world and decided to 'chillax', as the kids say. Then Prestatyn called, then John Barrowman recorded the hell out of Roses and he was so gracious it made me try to find a way to say 'thank you' to you all so I finally joined SS, (I know, it only makes sense to me, but I was reborn!) then I said my thank you's and love you's and bitched a bit and then you piped in and showed me the little money road! Whew, It might have taken over 30 years, but it was worth it. Enjoy your day! Lorraine
  24. Steve, Of course I'm right. I have Eddie's version on tape. I thought it was released. On what label, I can't remember. Triple B Records comes to mind, but I'm not sure at the moment. Leave Me Baby is a big production. It might have been too big for girlfriend Maxine's voice. I wrote it specifically for Eddie and that type of whiskey sounding throat. It takes a certain amount of pleading and begging! One of my favorites. Have a good one! Lorraine
  25. Steve, Actually, Don't Leave Me Baby was written for and sung first by Eddie Parker. When Ray Gant heard Eddie's , he said he had to sing it. Ray's is more popular and close to Eddie's version. You really need to hear Eddie's. He truly begs! Lorraine

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