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Everything posted by lorchand
Funk Brothers Tribute / Eddie Willis Fundraiser live in Detroit 16 Nov 2013 For Your Information - Copied from Soulful Detroit, Motown Forum Original Funk Brothers guitarist Eddie Willis will be coming to Detroit for a very rare intimate appearance at the Northern Lights Lounge on Saturday, November 16th at 7:00pm. The event will have a question and answer session with Eddie, plus a concert of deep cuts and big hits with Eddie, Dennis Coffey, The Drew Schultz Funk Machine, and longtime members of the Funk Brothers touring band including Delbert Nelson, Treaty Womack, Spider Webb, Robert Jones, Ralphe Armstrong, Donna Curtain, and many more. We'll also have stories and memories of The Funk Brothers recounted by some Detroit Legends. Eddie has been suffering from the effects of Polio for some time now, and 100% of the profits from the show will be donated to Eddie and his wife. There will be a $15 cover with a suggested donation, as well as several cool signed pieces of Funk Brothers memorabilia auctioned off! If you'd like to get a ticket in advance, we've set up an unconventional sale through ebay - this works around the "convenience" fees that other companies charge for simply printing tickets or holding at will call. That page is here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tribute-to-The-Funk-Brothers-Eddie-Willis-Fundraiser-11-16-13-/190925570989?pt=US_Tickets_all_in_one&hash=item2c740d03ad Hope to see you there! http://soulfuldetroit.com/showthread.php?10279-Funk-Brothers-Tribute-Eddie-Willis-Fundraiser-live-in-Detroit-11-16-13 I might get in trouble for this, but Eddie is worth it! For more info, go to the Soulful Detroit site (maybe you can participate in the auction). Lorraine
What Would Have Happened If This Had Been A Hit
lorchand replied to Roburt's topic in All About the SOUL
What I do not understand is how Soussan can walk around knowing what he has done and feel proud of himself. Not only that, he knows that everybody else knows... he is a thief! A bootlegging thief! There, I hope he feels truly bad now while counting and spending my money from his record sales. The thief! Lorraine -
Thanks Triode for the post. This is Jack's production with Barney Ales. After You Give Your All has a different arrangement but was first recorded by Sandra Richardson (Feva). I'm not featured on either side. Hope this helps, Lorraine
Hi Triode, Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the group Softouch and cannot offer any information. If you have time to post the record you are asking about or the title, something may ring a bell. At any rate, I was never involved with the label or its recordings that I know of. I am aware of the main players, Barney Ales, et al who worked for Motown and sold his label to them. You are in the right place to ask a musical question regarding the 50's through the 70's. You cannot hide anything from these Northern Soul folks. Triode, it is my pleasure to participate and communicate with you all. My heart skips a beat when someone says "has anyone asked our Lorraine?" Wow! Take care, Lorraine
One of the artist that helped shape my voice. During my 'rehearsals', I listened to Ms. Gloria for vocal movements. While I always favor the alto range, as a young singer she made me proud to be one. I loved her jazzy movements and cracks in her voice. Lorraine
Hi Carl, Yes it has been a while. All is very well. SoundExchange is absolutely wonderful and I am greatful that you told me about it. I constantly tell other artist when I see them about this site and in some cases, they do not have a computer or need a lot of help in getting an application. However, you should feel free to put it on Facebook (although I cannot speak on their privacy policies) to reach a greater audience. Take care, Lorraine
The Greatest Male And Female Vocalists (In Your Opinion)
lorchand replied to a topic in All About the SOUL
No disrespect to any of my fellow artists, whose voices I love dearly, but: Male, Johnny Mathis, Sam Cooke and Jackie Wilson and female, Etta James. Lorraine -
The Hesitations - Did They Totally Sell Out?
lorchand replied to Premium Stuff's topic in Look At Your Box
Wow! In this instance, I'm the fan and just had a wonderful education from all of you above. It's like you all were sitting there in the room when decisions were being discussed. Awesome. It makes me wonder, if I had stayed with RCA what might have happened. I came up on standards and would have loved to record the oldies. I was nineteen when I met G. W. Purcell. We had two meetings. He appeared to be a strong stuctured man. He had a scar on his upper lip (like a cleft lip) and all I saw was Mafia! Scared me to death! Of course, this was totally in my mind, but that was my impression. Again, you all amaze me with your total knowledge. Lorraine -
KevH, You are right on topic. Everytime the record was played anywhere or when Billy did it in his shows, if you could, you got up and danced. I haven't heard the record for a while and I was glad when Richard posted it. I cranked up those speakers and with my surround sound, I had this block rockin'! Lorraine
Hi Richard, I did not want to mix the threads, but September Jones is not her real name and for the life of me I cannot remember what it was. Maybe if you contact Jack Ashford on Facebook (he has most of the artists' files) he can tell you. Nancy Wilcox's name is her name. I thought she was a native Detroiter and I put some feelers out a while back and received nothing in return. Sorry. Lorraine
Some of the items above are true, but to clarify a few, a) Eddie Parker and Billy Sha-Rae are two different people; b) Billy never produced Eddie Parker; c)the Soul Congress Band was phenomenal and d) Billy Sha-Rae was one sweet and good-looking man! I had to beat the women off with a club! He sometime used me as a shield and almost got me killed (not literally)! Billy loved his audience and had one heck of a show. I'm glad he is getting some attention. I spoke with Billy about a year ago and he sounded well. He asked if I would speak to his son who is living here and of course, I said yes. His son, when growing up was Billy's clone. What a look-a-like. And today, he is still clone-like him (it's the jaw line). Because I have not changed my number in 30 years, Pied Piper and Just Production artists are amazed when I answer the phone. It is so good to hear from my fellow artists. They were the highlight of my producing and writing years. I wish I could hear from September Jones and Nancy Wilcox. I hope they are well. Anyway, I do not think I can add any more to this thread, except detail, but Billy can do that for himself. His son Billee is doing his father well and Billee should be proud of his father. If members of Soul Source want to find him, all you have to do is reach out and touch! Lorraine
- 13
Thank you. This fight is not over and the clean-up is just starting, but more heads will roll. Hopefully we might find that pot of gold at the end of our rainbow (that someone stole and forgot to bury). As Curtis Mayfield and The Impressions said, "People get ready...!" Lorraine
Thank you all for recognizing the love that we artists of Pied Piper Productions have for all of you. Ady Croasdell and others will have to address the producers, but I will speak for the artists. When we discuss you all, all you see are smiles and hear how grateful we are of your support over all of these years (we still do not believe it). This poll, although it was a lot of fun for me, I was serious when I said it represented our pride when it comes to Northern Soul. I would have fought for days for second place, but to go ahead of HD&H (what we call them here at Motown) had me screaming. The piece that Dave Moore put together at the end with the Hesitations and The Vandellas was wonderful. Thanks to KevinKent and Dave Abbott for voting at the end and thank you all for your votes. I will sleep peacefully tonight. Tara, Lorraine
Yes Ady. I'm so overwhelmed at the moment. I'm composing the acceptance speech for tomorrow. This was a lot of fun though. Lorraine
Dave, I'm still waiting on your visit. Lorraine
Hi Lorraine Sad to hear these words , there was a even another write up in the Sunday Express in Britain today about Detroit and its downward spiral , one about arson gone up 60% for insurance claims so residents can move out , so sad to hear that this once great city that gave us so much soul music has come to this. Truly hope things get better. Martyn Hi Martyn, Do not feel sorry for us. We citizens let some of this happen and we are going to turn this around. I hope other cities, countries can learn from this. Detroit has so many good things about to explode in a positive way, we can see daylight. We, Metropolitan Detroit, are the proud owners of 'Aerotropolus'. A few years ago, this project was looking for locations that had a minimum of 100 square miles that encompassed land, water and air transportation. Guess who had all of that? Metro Detroit. Aerotropolus is a few miles west of Metropolitan Detroit Airport, a mere 30 minutes away from the City. This Aerotropolus represents the United States of America. We just appointed the CEO, last week. There are only two other countries, China for one that have those requirements. For us that means jobs. Again, some bad things had to be cleaned up in order for the good to shine through. Detroit will lead the way in many things (the first in how to come out of a city bankrupcy). Who knows, we might even have a new recording studio! Lorraine
Born, raised and still residing in Detroit, I have seen it all. Some things are cyclical and there is a purpose behind it. You had my parents and their parents generation who wanted their children to have all the civil liberties owed and afforded to them. Then my generation who had to live up to what our grandparents and parents marched and died for was not in vain. Then our children's generation who some thought you had to be and/or live like a millionaire by age 25. I blame 10% on cable TV and 80% on the credit card. The card made you spend what you did not have and it took years to pay back, me included. All that to say, some of us worked hard for what we have and some folks think it is magic to acquire and have material things. We voted friends and family into positions thinking they would protect us, and most of them took from us. They did not maintain the quality of life that our parents provided, they took from it and made it worse. They did not maintain the pension plans for city, county and state workers, they stole from them, with no way to pay it back. Billions were stolen from every coffer of the city with folks going to jail...and it is not over. Detroit's downward spiral did not happen overnight, it took decades and the thievery got more outrageous as time went on. You cannot pinpoint it to just one thing. In the 80's you had to be more "productive," code word for work twice as hard so I can downsize. In the 90's, the CEO's and CFO's making millions with bonus packages for the rest of their lives, while the lowest earner had to contribute to their health care and give more to their pension fund because the company no longer contributes. Parents said it was alright to by $200 Michael Jordan shoes for ten or twelve year olds but did not have the time to attend a Parent Teacher Conference; public schools versus charter schools and the city versus the suburbs. Folks started living paycheck to behind a paycheck but we needed more material things. White flight to the suburbs, taking the city's tax base with them. Racism was/is still alive and well, but international terrorism pushed it to the back burner. Drugs, my God, how to destroy a family, community and a city. With all of that happening, who was watching the purse strings or wallet of a city? We thought of "me," when it use to be "us." There was no overseeing of right or wrong, just how can I make my life strong. Detroit is a city that has been shown in such a negative light over the years it is ridiculous. There could be a murder in Indiana or Ohio (other states) and the national and international press would show these states and how close they are to Detroit, Michigan, not to the state of Michigan, but the city of Detroit! What the hell??? There were red herrings everywhere. To have us focus on the city lights (or lack of them), whose watching the bank? Who can see the bank? Does someone want to own Detroit other than Detroiters? That day might be here but Detroit will prevail. I can show you wondrous communities, excellent public schools and students who want to excell. I live here and will probably die here and it is fine with me. While people state to me, "I thought you would be living downtown or in a more affluent community, not here in the 'hood." I have to remind them "I own this little shack and I love my community and no, I will not lend you five hundred dollars." Detroit is going though right now, but so are other cities, even countries, but once again, Detroit is highlighted in the worst way. While we rebound, others cities might succumb. You all across the pond are not doing that great either, but all we can do is try and do better and hold those in leadership positions truly accountable. We know we need better city services; we need stronger, truthful, intelligent and reliable leadership. Companies must be more transparent and accountable to its employees when it comes to the disparity of paychecks and benefits. That day is coming. As much time as I have taken here to state some of the negatives, I could take more space towards the positives and say why I would not live anywhere else other than Detroit. Detroit will come out of this better and stronger. Lessons had to be taught and learned for the next generation. I love it here. I'm a city girl. A Motown, Northern Soul city girl and proud of it! Lorraine
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OK. If you think that HD&H represents and personifies explicitly what is Northern Soul, so be it. While we Pied Piper artists pride ourselves in having our own corner of the world with you all and HD&H is international...it's okay. We at Pied Piper will carry the second place banner proudly, cause it ain't bad coming in behind HD&H, believe me. There were some heavy contenders in the final eight and Pied Piper did extremely well. This has been fun. I thank those who gave and switched their votes. I have thoroughly enjoyed the lobbying and I hope we can swing the last nine votes! You all know I love the music of HD&H along with the rest of the world. The next time you play or hear Eddie Parker's, Love You Baby or I'm Gone that put Pied Piper smack in the heart of Northern Soul, what are your feet and your finger poppin' telling you? It's saying this is Northern Soul baby! However, if you know in your heart and think HD&H's music embodies the Northern Soul spirit and essence...so shall it be. I'm off to the Detroit Bankrupt forum now, my job is done here. Thank you all again for your votes and thank you for putting up with me! Lorraine, Artist, Writer and representative of Pied Piper and Northern Soul and Lobbiest to Favorite Producers Poll and hope you give us Pied Piper the last nine votes! Whew!
I know sweet Richard, I was trying to stay under the radar count to go over the top! Some folks are not counting! Lorraine
Thanks Des, Toad, Chalky, Richard and Back Street Blue! Pete S., you say there is "no prize." You are incorrect. The prize is the PRIDE. I represent Pied Piper and this little poll is making me and the other artists so proud. We artists at Pied Piper did not find fame or fortune but you found us and I/we could not be happier. Pete S., I too enjoy the favors of Popcorn and Tony, however, they are not in this poll. And this is fun, nor is it fixed. Folks are changing their votes because it is the right thing to do. Pied Piper is Northern Soul and proud of it! The other wonderful producers cannot vie or win second place, so you might as well make your vote really count! You all know how I love you and love representing Northern Soul. Sooo, Mr. Pete S., don't you take the fun out of it and give Pied Piper your vote! Just fifteen more votes to go and this will all be over. Pied Piper needs ten votes to truly secure and hang in second place. Pete S., Tell Me Your Mine and give me Pied Piper your vote! Lorraine
Remember Sharon Scott, The Hesitations, The Metros, and Mike & Ray? They are all counting on you to take your vote from Ashford & Simpson, Whitfield-Strong and George Kerr. All wonderful producers in their own right, but not competing for a strong second place slot. Pied Piper needs 20 more votes to secure second place. Before you know it, this poll will be over and a lot of people are counting on me to bring it home. This is a tough job. Pied Piper needs your vote. Thanks Kev, Big Gordy and Premium Stuff. I feel like I Can't Hold On, but I must carry on to the finish. Pied Piper must prevail! I must not give up! But What Can I Do? Lorraine
Roburt, Ms. Lee has always been professional, courteous and kind when I have seen her. She may not know me, but I have admired her style from gospel to secular. While I have forgotten to mention her when speaking of local artists, it was on my part. Because of her grace she should be afforded the space and recognition you have given her and much more. Thank you. Lorraine
As a native and still residing Detroiter, I have my views. After I've finished with Pied Piper, I'll chirp in here. Lorraine
Whoo Hoo! Only 25 more votes and Pied Piper will secure the second place throne! I love Motown and I love Gamble & Huff, however, Mr. C, this is a family affair. You know that Pied Piper belongs to Northern Soul, you and others created us, them. Eddie Parker (it's name dropping time) has just learn how to receive e-mails and is working on how to send them as we speak, poor baby. To know that he, y o u r Eddie Parker, battling for second place makes me nervous ! It does my heart good that we Pied Piper is tied for second place and I thank the late comers for that, but there are more Pied Pipers out there. Make Eddie Parker proud! Cast your vote for Pied Piper now please. Ta, Lorraine Chandler
OK, it's time for me to start lobbying. I also love the HITS and the artists, productions and songs of Gamble & Huff, BUT...BUT, they had top ten HITS! Poor Pied Piper just needs four more votes for second place. Where are my friends when I need them? It's obvious the HIT MAKERS have an edge, but the Pied Piper folks had and have the LOVE :wub: . Pied Piper represents the heart and soul of Northern Soul. Show some Northern Soul spirit and push us (I mean Pied Piper) ahead. I would have voted many more times, but they had a star by name so I couldn't. Have I begged, I mean lobbied enough? Please don't make me sad. Your friend to the end and a member of this family. Ta, Lorraine Chandler (notice the full name, I'm pulling out everything here)!