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Everything posted by lorchand

  1. OK, Mike, move me. I'm just sitting here in tears answering everybody. This is so wonderful. Lorraine
  2. Kev, I remember, next time, let's take a few minutes to talk. Find me. I'm usually available a day or two before the show, not good right before the show, sorry, but excellent after the show. Love Sandra's singing and her take on the song. I think I can pat myself on the back for that one, great lyrics! Carol Anderson on Soul'O'Sonic is Ernest Kelley, he could give you the background on that. I was not involved. Lorraine
  3. Hi Kev, Yes, I do have some special ones, but it's their overall sound. They had have the same sound, no matter who's in the group for over 40 years! Is it Otis Williams' voice that we never hear or what! Lorraine
  4. Hi Eddie, Thank you for the compliments! I enjoy singing and I'm glad you enjoyed the show and my work. Lorraine
  5. Hi Dave, Yes, "Mend The Torn Pieces" is one of my faves. The melody is so nice and then it gets funky at the end. Of course I'm amazed of what songs are popular where. I thought "What Can I Do" would be the one when it's "I Can't Hold On" in North Wales. I love it either way. Lorraine
  6. Hi Chris, I remember that gig. Don't do to many with Pat Lewis, so that one stands out. Good show. Good, were talking 90's now! Yep, that She Don't Want You is a corker! Background is kicking and those musicians were playing! Wow, what a track. Good to hear from you. Lorraine
  7. Arkwright, hello! Thank you and no I don't mind. This is sooo much easier. I'm a willing and quick learner. Thanks for the welcome. Lorraine
  8. Just been give instructions from Awkwright, and he's right. Replying like this is easier. You can always tell us virgins! OKay, Hi Flynny, How come I don't get invited to these other countries? I had no idea I had folks there! I still sing LOUD and proud. Don't think it will ever change. I'm ready for the questions, I just hope I have the memories to answer them. Lorraine
  9. Bearsy, Are you the birthday boy? If so, happy, happy! From one Taurean (April 29) to another, enjoy! Yes, I do remember recording them. It was a fun time thinking you could sing, but really couldn't (I had so much to learn) but I was so enthusiastic about the music industry. I wanted to do it all, sing, write, and produce. Jack Ashford and Mike Terry took the time to bring out the best I could give. I love the shuffle feel of "What Can I Do" to Mike Terry's incredible solo on "She Don't Want You." Actually the band tracks turned me on. Those musicians were incredible! They made the songs come alive. To hear the piano version and the end result. Great arrangers like Herbie Williams, Joe Hunter, Paul Reiser, etc., all played a part to making it sound better. Many stories here, not enough time to tell. Lorraine
  10. Hi Paul, I think rules have to be established, no dates or numbers that might reflect age! Who knew? I don't have copies of my records! Thanks for the kind words. Lorraine
  11. Hi Cellar, Thanks for the welcome! I am enjoying this. Lorraine
  12. Thanks for letting folks know about 'Tree'. I'm unfamiliar on how to use the site and this info is very important. Tree was my writing partner on many songs. Dave you are everywhere! Lorraine Chandler
  13. Hi Karen, What a cute kitten. Thanks for the welcome. Lorraine
  14. Hi Dave, Someone should have knocked me in the head a while ago. As much as I love interacting, I should have done it long ago. However, I'm here now and will make the most of it. Thanks for the welcome. Lorraine
  15. Hi Mark, I'm glad Eddie and I did a good job at Staffords, it's great to hear! Can't hardly remember it, but I'm glad you do! I love performing and it's even better when folks enjoy it. One of the persons responsible for bringing us there, Dave, was here in Detroit last week. Good to hear from you. Lorraine
  16. Hi Julie, Thanks for the welcome. Lorraine
  17. Hey Dave! Thanks for the photo. I do remember and aren't you cute! Thanks for the welcome, we had a good time that day! Lorraine
  18. Hi Munchkin, The honor is mine. I'm glad we share good memories. Lorraine
  19. Hey Soul Girl! I've seen your responses on the Pontins/Prestatyn site. Love the picture. Thanks for the welcome. Lorraine
  20. Hi Steve L, Thanks for the response. It has been my pleasure to perform and make music for you. I'm happy that you enjoyed it. Lorraine
  21. Hi Chalky, Thank you for the kind words. It's great to be here talking to you. Thanks for replying. Lorraine
  22. Dante, Consider it a done deal. I will go to the record store before he leaves and meet him. I'll call him first to make sure he is there. Thanks, Lorraine
  23. Hey JumpinJoan! Lorraine
  24. Hi Gilly and Nicola, Don't remember which photo. Can you copy it here? Glad to hear from you both. Talk to me anytime. Love back at you. Lorraine

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