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Everything posted by lorchand

  1. If you're talking about the same 'Niecy' who recorded with Johnny Mathis. We are two different people and I don't think she would record under my name. To sing with Johnny Mathis, I would pretend to be her though! Lorraine
  2. Hey Peter, For those still around like Sandra Feva (Richardson) and Eddie Parker. I have seen some re-surface, like the Hesitations, the Metros. Most have moved to warmer climates, while others are in heaven. Lorraine
  3. Wish I had your name Rhino, but thanks for the kind words. Lorraine
  4. Hi Paul, It's great to be here and yes, I'm truly enjoying this. Lorraine
  5. Hi Ricardo, No other names. Never on the Lock label. However, I have heard other people singing my songs and using my name and it made me very unhappy. But Lorraine Chandler is the only name I have ever recorded under. Lorraine
  6. Julie and Dave, Thanks for the welcome. Lorraine
  7. Hey Ms. Nancy, The honor is all mine. Thanks for the welcome. Lorraine
  8. Thanks, Simsy. Who's the picture of? He looks like Roy Hamilton. Lorraine
  9. I feel the love and trying to give some back. Thanks Alison for the welcome. Lorraine
  10. Mac, I'll take that hug from Spain. Glad Eddie and I was in the 'hood' with you! Thank you. Eddie was so hard to record, but once you got it, you had it. He jumped all over the studio, didn't stay in the mike and trying to get him to sit still now is the same. I'll try. Lorraine
  11. Steve, Don't know about a book, but song by song I could conjure up some memories. We have time though. I think I'm in trouble by taking up too much time and space on this site. I think I broke a rule. Don't want to get kicked off before I get started. Lorraine
  12. Mx Oh, oh. What rule have I broken now? Thanks for the welcome. Lorraine
  13. Ady, Willie was before Nancy. Each artist has their own 'thang' and you try and bring it out of them. Therefore, the same song done different ways. I didn't hear Yvonne Baker's "I Can't Change" until after I recorded it. It's the same, but different. Lorraine
  14. Hi Winnie, You know I'm loving it! Thanks for the welcome. Lorraine
  15. Looking at your logo. I truly miss Levi. "Baby I Need Your Loving" is one of my all time favorites. I went through two 45's (my father went through one because it reminded him of my mother!). Anyhow, thanks for the compliments. Lorraine
  16. Hey Steve, Yep, I'm still cooking (can't you tell?). It's good hearing from you. Are you behaving yourself? I'm having a ball on this site! Lorraine
  17. Dave, What can I say? A young Mark and a young Lorraine. Aren't we cute? I have the lovely oily skin with pimples (I want the oily skin back!) and the smile that you all put on my face. Thanks for the photo. Lorraine
  18. Mark, that's sweet of you. I have tapes with the original piano composition and me singing them for the first time that blows me away. I cherish these. The finish product is wonderful but the beginning is untouchable. You all hold on to them and keep it going. Lorraine
  19. Hi Giant, Your welcome is payment enough. Thank you. Lorraine
  20. Hey Bearsly, Actually, after "What Can I Do," I started writing for the stable of artist we had in Pied Piper. There was so much that had to be done. Voice arrangements (background), new songs for the new groups. People could sing, but getting them prepared for the stage was another issue. I was only two steps in front of them but I wanted them to succeed also. When one got hot, I knew it was best for all. Taking the time for me to learn my material wasn't easy. My voice (alto) was recorded in the second soprano range. Some days were better at recording, most days were not. We got through it and now it's history. Lorraine
  21. Yeah! I'm a Goddess! It is mind blowing. I doubt that ten people know my songs here at home (it might be ten, counting my immediate family). But yes, it is a trip. A wonderful trip. What are my four anthems? Lorraine
  22. Thanks Souljack, I appreciate the kind welcome. Lorraine
  23. Didn't see your name, but thank you 'Yank' for the welcome. And you're welcome for all the classics I made as a child in the 60's! Lorraine
  24. Thanks Dave, I've visited and I kick myself for not joining earlier. Lorraine
  25. Wow, I'm sure others would love to hear it. Thanks. Lorraine

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