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Everything posted by lorchand

  1. Did we just have a wedding here? Unless you're educating us all, start your own thread? Do you know Al...the nerve! Lorraine
  2. What?! What department are you in? Are you going to the man's job ? Down, Paul. I know I'm new here, and It's a forum and we're suppose to communicate... (and it's about ME!). Lorraine
  3. Hi Tim, I didn't see you sneak in there amongst them. Thanks for the input. Lorraine
  4. Okay y'all. Time out! Do we know who does what yet? I think you all have gotten the people who work there confused. Lorraine
  5. Believe me Paul, this is ALL good! (and I will!) I'm enjoying your input too. Lorraine
  6. Who the hell is the PPL? Clarify the initials for us lay people! Thank you. Lorraine
  7. Hi Johnny, Thank you. No, the '1' is actually the late Johnny Dixon. I think a lot of people thought that. Yes, I did, off the top of my head, Where Are You, I think that was theirs. Sometimes I get the group and the songs mixed up without checking. Apologies to you if I'm wrong. Lorraine
  8. Yeah, let's get it on! Find out Ian, then get back in your corner! Duh!, Not being a diva or anything, don't forget this is ALL about me, me, me. Kidding aside (not really), this is a wonderful exchange. Just think Ian, you've been around since the rocks and still learning something. Me too! (Did I really go there, the age thing?) Just think how more knowlegeable we will all be after this. Lorraine
  9. Hi Pete S, Don't you worry, I can't wait for somebody to start talking, I'll be all ears! Thanks for the welcome and send me those cute kids. Lorraine
  10. There's no 'wit' like the northern soul wit! Lorraine
  11. Thanks for the welcome Maark. Lorraine
  12. Thank you Brian B. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the records and hopefully, I can find my way back there again (where's your area?) Lorraine
  13. Ian, Loving this forum! Everybody is getting educated on publishing! I might get ten dollars/pounds out of this! Couldn't find Paul Mooney, now here he is. I'm loving it! Lorraine
  14. Hi Boff, Thanks for the compliments. To see the song being recognized now is a blessing. For those involved, I hope they are as happy about it as I am. Lorraine
  15. Thanks Paul for the info but there is only one 'me' and I'm as real as you can get. Gee, I'm talking to you now more than when we were together (let's some gossip roll around that!). Take care. Lorraine
  16. Ian, Just left Discogs! Who supplies the info? Is anything sacred! I'm still picking myself up off the floor! The Black Magic label, 1975 has me listed as the singer on Love You Baby (I haven't heard the other side), I hope folks can hear that it is not, I repeat, not me singing. They're still selling that today. Lorraine
  17. Thanks Ian, I'm on it! Lorraine
  18. Thanks Ian for the info. I don't think folks realize that artist make their money by working (gigs). A popular record affords you to work and a hit record can sustain you for a couple of years. Each country is different in paying royalties (writers, publishers) and artist (even me) are not told the ins and outs of applying and receiving royalties. Did anyone contact the publishers for the mechanic licence on those two releases? While I'm pretty knowledgeable about the business, there's so much boot legging, it hard to keep up. Lorraine
  19. Rich, Wow! Thanks for sharing (isn't it wonderful Reg!). Eddie's grin is even bigger now when we discuss you all. Yes, I truly am feeling the love and I thank you for posting these pictures. I'm so glad you kept them. I was right about you back then (the autograph). I don't have any pictures with me and others, so this forum is proving to be a treasure! Lorraine
  20. Hi Pete from Perth! While I may appear old enough to be dead, I still do live shows from time to time and I've never been 'down under'! Thanks for the welcome! Lorraine
  21. Thank you for the welcome Geoff B! Lorraine
  22. Yank, It's no problem at all. Back then we all helped each other. I needed to get my 'ears' together and that type of experience helped me grow as a lead singer. I love singing background but I had too much volume to blend properly. I had to learn to do that. I don't remember the sessions per se because everything was done when we were called to do the 'overdubs'. Lorraine
  23. Handbury, Trust me, this will slow waaay down and I'm ejoying this while I can! I'll be the old has been on Soul Source but the cheese grits will carry me through! The studio is never, ever drudgery. It is/was the stuff dreams are made of. Lorraine
  24. Mal, I can't tell you how many jaws dropped when Edwin moved and stayed over there. He had hit record after hit record. No one understood (at least I didn't). I guess when you are a prince here and a king somewhere else, it's better to be the king! Lorraine
  25. Harry and Diana, As I hope you both are. You know I love you back! Lorraine

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