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Everything posted by lorchand

  1. Mark, At this time in my life I would loooovvvvveee to sing just one more time over there (I would drag Eddie Parker with me). The powers that be must make it happen. Lorraine
  2. Mark, Thanks for stating that I never made a bad record. While I liked most of them, a few were too mature for me and I tried my best. I never did any shows with the Motown groups (wish I had). Lorraine
  3. Roburt, I am so sorry, I just skip right over you. To answer your question, yes I did promo shows for "What Can I Do" in the States. Did paying gigs overseas.
  4. Ed, I'm told that everyone uses Facebook, so maybe that is a good source. However, I stick close to 'home' where I know I can check out everything. Have a good one, Lorraine
  5. This is truly hilarious. We (Pied Piper) had a group known as The Dynamics and I never heard of Carnell Silver Butler. So let it be. Let him earn whatever he can at this date. Lorraine
  6. Roburt, This place mostly held the paperwork concerning Pied Piper. We were located in Detroit where the 'funk' was multiplying! Nope, I won't tell you whose house this belongs to. Lorraine
  7. Hi Benji, Nope, I'm sorry, I cannot be of any help to you. I knew Mike and Ray, but did no work with them. Have you tried contacting Ray Monette? He replies to questions like this and is a totally wonderful person. Good Luck, Lorraine
  8. Jaco, Let me see what others say about the record, then I'll give you some history. It's been around and it is a superfine 'hit.' Eddie does a beautiful job with it. Lorraine
  9. Triode, Thanks for responding. I'm still here (Thank the Lord) and still willing to do a song or two. Eddie Parker, bless his soul, is still around and all we want is one more time to 'do our thang.' Take care. Lorraine
  10. Rhino, Me too! Thanks to everyone who replied! Sorry about that Rhino, we share and share alike. Lorraine
  11. Hi to you all, I check in every other day to see what you all are up to. Thanks for replying. Right now I'm putting the finishing touches on our 41st family reunion being held in August. We have one every year and I'm wondering what the hell we will talk about when we pick next next years. That's when the fun starts, the bickering, fussing and almost fighting in our good clothes. This year, I'm in charge of the guests. We're all related, so I wonder why we are calling ourselves 'guests.' Anyway, that's my big to-do right now and keeping up with you guys. Lorraine
  12. Just a note to say Hi, and hope that everyone is doing well. I haven't spoken to you in a while and I just wanted to let everyone know I am still here and reading what you are writing or inquiring about. Just remember, I love you all. Lorraine Chandler
  13. Have a wonderful and glorious New Year! Been under the weather for Christmas but I am here to bring in another year. The best to everyone with all of my love and joy! Lorraine Chandler
  14. Folks, I have kept Sharon abreast of all the news about her. She knows about the highlights of her career and what you mean to her. She is grateful and thankful. I'm working on her to reply to you all. It would be a thrill! Lorraine
  15. Hi Triode, Talked with Eddie Parker the other day just to say "Hi," and told him we have to check on each other every other month. He laughed and and said "you are right." I would still like to meet the people and sing a few songs and so would Eddie. Just let us know what you get together. Remember, time is not our friend, not an enemy, but definitely not as a friendly as it use to be. Lorraine
  16. I had added a comment, but I guess it got lost. Anyhoo, I cannot remember why Joe Buckman was listed alone if he recorded with the Metros, but who knows (or can remember) what happened back then? What I am glad about is the reaction that people are having off of these old songs. It is great to see that some people still care. Lorraine
  17. Soul Source Family, Just talked with Jackie Hicks to verified what I just read. I just read it. I really could not believe it. I do now. My heart and love goes out to the Marlene Barrow-Tate's family. Lorraine Chandler
  18. ...and a Happy one to all... Lorraine Chandler
  19. Sunnysoul, Spoke with Louvain and she said there was no relation between Max and Larry. She's asked that constantly and even gets calls regarding that. They only share the same last name. Lorraine
  20. What is a HOF? It is a Hall of Funders! We have been asking for donations to pay tribute to our Hall of Fame Inductees with a small trophy for them or their families to show off. We want to "give them something that they can 'feel', to let them know that our love is real." (I wonder what song that line comes from ? While those that have big bucks and want to 'sponsor' a set of trophies, we certainly would appreciate it. However, for those of us who have the love and can squeeze out ten to forty-nine pounds, we like to acknowledge that gift by putting you on our wall of 'Funders' (names only). Being on the fundraising committee, "I ain't too proud to beg" for my fellow artists to have this little token. I'm for giving the flowers now, not on the grave site. This will not be the last of you all hearing from me regarding this and I know I am in competition with Santa now, but whatever you can do to get us started would be greatly appreciated. Please send all donations and inquiries to davidhogenson@yahoo.co.uk. You know him as TattooDave on Soul Source. Thank you. Lorraine Chandler
  21. I have already recognized (dubbed, as in vocal) him with the diamond needle, Ady Croasdell, HOF! Lorraine
  22. This is so heartwarming. For some, to give them their flowers now, instead of donating toward a headstone or grave site that they will never see, this is an honor. I also hope the Northern Soul audience shows their appreciation one more time by donating whatever than can to send a small award to the Inductees and/or families to treasure and hold for years to come. On another note, another round of nominations for your favorite artist will happen shortly. Don't be shy, nominate and vote! Show the appreciation! Lorraine
  23. Hello all, Don't forget, we have time to put our 'favorites' in, but we must nominate them and votes must be garnered. All I ask is that you participate in the betterment of this Hall of Fame (HOF). I will take all the criticisms you have and appreciate the support. We will stumble and make mistakes along the way, but it will be out of love and oversight. This time next year, we will be recognized as a noteworthy HOF. I know I am emotional about this because I know how the artists/pre-production individuals will feel when inducted. I have to tell myself to 'slow my roll' because everything cannot be done in one day. I expect more of you to participate in the next round, except our apologies for any mistakes and hold our feet to the fire to make this better and better! Love you all, :wub: Lorraine
  24. Chalky, Thanks for the video. Seems like most of them would qualify for SS Hall of Fame! Lorraine
  25. Mike, I am ready! Who would like to join me? Again, you all would be the HUB and we need a central person there to lead as Mike stated above. Mike, would you be interested to take the lead for a while if necessary? We (I) just want to get started! You all know how I feel about the RIP pages, necessary, but a downer (no pun intended).

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