......Anyone who resorts to sending threatening emails and bullying tactics, is hardly a positive force for this scene! I think the scene has done alot for Mr Robot's.....MONEY..MONEY...MONEY...BUT, finally, he has gone too far. People are waking up to his arrogant, soul-less and patronising ways.
I think it is Mr Roboot's who is the sell out, not Whitby! If the scene ended today, he would not shed a tear. He would just look for something else to exploit! I have never seen this muppet 'out and about', supporting events that he is not involved with, or the scene in general! He has his own ob-scene!! He has no interest in 'soul'....'music' or 'people'. To him they are just three words that equal CASH!! If you would like to call him personally, try 666.....