Yes, very good point! They never object to the misrepresentation, but rather, choose to exploit it for profit.
Its disingenuous and comes across as delusional and narcissistic.....but, more often that not (if you dig deeper) they are all sole trader or limited company 'Northern Soul dance' businesses.
The result is a plethora of hoppy, skippy, smiley, windmill armed, line dancers who have missed out the part that requires time, patience, observation, attendance, meeting people, absorbing the atmospheres (beyond the line dancing class venue), contribution to the scene, listening to the music and connecting with it all.
The business(s) of Northern Soul dancing have watered it down to the simple equation that it is just steps to music....nothing more. No need for cultural connection, no need for historical connection, no need for a connection to the musicians.
In some cases labels are even replacing images & biographies of the Afro-American musicians who have always represented the heart of the scene, with those of self promoting 'celebutantes' whose soul has been moulded via hashtags and relentless posting of the self online.
It does have long-term implications due to its cynical erasure of memory, and the cultural amnesia that AI inspires and propagates. Much like the Wikipedia facade of self written history! It negates those who danced before us, collected, played, contributed, traveled far and wide, post - Wigan, to keep the scene going. And also those who perished in the pursuit.
Imagine a lazy (they are all lazy) TV or Radio producer (BBC comes to mind) goes online and googles Northern Soul Dancer because they want to feature one, they will get this list of individuals. Apart from being below average dancers, who are not even on the scene as a whole, they are people who are solely business orientated and do not have the humility to recognise and admit that there is no such thing as 'a World Champion Northern Soul dancer, or a boy or girl or man or woman who represents the scene and its culture. It was/is a communal scene, a community, or nowadays a series of rival communities perhaps?
Anyway, personally, I find it not to be "a bit of fun" but recognise it as a vacuous profit driven business model aimed at sucking the soul of the culture and the scene dry....and often attempting to gaslight us into thinking we are being negative if we question their motives and their products.
Anyway, that is just my opinion and experience of course.